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Perioperative Hypothermia Increases Blood Loss and Transfusion Need
By Will Boggs, MD

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 11 - Even mild hypothermia in surgical patients increases blood loss and transfusion requirements, according to a report in the January issue of Anesthesiology.

"These are only two of the many serious complications associated with perioperative hypothermia," Dr. Daniel I. Sessler from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio told Reuters Health. "Surgical patients should thus be kept normothermic unless hypothermia is specifically indicated -- which it rarely is."

Dr. Sessler and associates conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate their hypothesis that mild perioperative hypothermia increases surgical blood loss and transfusion requirement.

The median temperature difference between normothermic and hypothermic studies included in the review was only 0.85 degree Celsius, the report indicates.

Total blood loss in the normothermic group was 84% of that in the hypothermic group, the authors report. Similarly, normothermic patients had a need for transfusion only 78% of that for hypothermic patients.

"The effect of hypothermia on coagulation appears to last only as long as the hypothermia," Dr. Sessler explained. "In fact, it is probably a local effect rather than a systemic one. Core temperature is nonetheless important because peripheral temperatures usually change synchronously with the core."

Anesthesiology 2008;108:71-77.

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Perioperative Hypothermia Increases Blood Loss and Transfusion Need
By Will Boggs, MD
Will Boggs, MD报道
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 11 - Even mild hypothermia in surgical patients increases blood loss and transfusion requirements, according to a report in the January issue of Anesthesiology.
纽约(路透社健康) 1月11 日- 据第一期麻醉学杂志报告,手术患者即使术中发生较轻度的低体温也可增加术中失血量和输血量要求。
These are only two of the many serious complications associated with perioperative hypothermia," Dr. Daniel I. Sessler from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio told Reuters Health. "Surgical patients should thus be kept normothermic unless hypothermia is specifically indicated -- which it rarely is."
来自美国克利夫兰临床基础中心的Dr. Daniel I. Sessler透漏,外科病人的手术复杂并发症中有两种与围术期低体温有关。外科病人围术期应保持正常体温,除非特定指明需要低体温,然而这种情况是很少见的。
Dr. Sessler and associates conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate their hypothesis that mild perioperative hypothermia increases surgical blood loss and transfusion requirement.
Dr. Sessler和同事进行了一项系统回顾和荟萃分析来证明他们的假说,即轻微的围术期低体温也可增加失血量和输血要求。
The median temperature difference between normothermic and hypothermic studies included in the review was only 0.85 degree Celsius, the report indicates.
报告指出,正常体温与轻度低体温患者的体温差中位数为0.85 ℃。
Total blood loss in the normothermic group was 84% of that in the hypothermic group, the authors report. Similarly, normothermic patients had a need for transfusion only 78% of that for hypothermic patients.
据报道,正常体温组失血量是低体温组的84%,类似的,正常体温病人需要的输血量是低体温病人的78%。 "The effect of hypothermia on coagulation appears to last only as long as the hypothermia," Dr. Sessler explained. "In fact, it is probably a local effect rather than a systemic one. Core temperature is nonetheless important because peripheral temperatures usually change synchronously with the core."
Dr. Sessler解释,只要低体温持续,低体温对凝血酶的副作用就持续存在。事实上,低体温的影响是复杂的而非单一的。核心温度仍然在重要的,因为外周组织会随着核心温度的变化而变化。
Anesthesiology 2008;108:71-77. 围术期低体温会增加患者失血量和输血要求。
纽约(路透社健康) 1月11 日- 据第一期麻醉学杂志报告,手术患者即使术中发生较轻度的低体温也可增加术中失血量和输血量要求。
来自美国克利夫兰临床基础中心的Dr. Daniel I. Sessler透漏,外科病人的手术复杂并发症中有两种与围术期低体温有关。外科病人围术期应保持正常体温,除非特定指明需要低体温,然而这种情况是很少见的。







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-05-01 05:14