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阳明大学的口腔生物研究所研究的林姝君教授在 Cancer reveals today 期刊上发表的一篇报告显示出嚼食槟榔伴随着缺陷的基因容易引发口腔癌。
由于槟榔中含有一种能轻微刺激中枢神经系统的槟榔碱(arecoline),所以在亚洲有大量的人口习惯性的把它拿来混合烟草、石灰、香料或蒟酱树(betel tree)的叶子咀嚼。每年在亚洲有超过15万3千人罹患口腔癌,由于这些人嚼食槟榔,在南亚国家有超过一半的病患是属于恶性的患者。由于并非所有嚼食槟榔的人都会罹患口腔癌,因此科学家相信这是某些基因上的条件让口腔癌发生。
阳明大学的口腔生物研究所研究 林姝君 副教授 也是这个计划的主持人说:『我们知道嚼槟榔会增加罹患口腔癌的风险,但并不是每个嚼槟榔的人后来都会罹患口腔癌,我们相信这样的差异表现一定是基因的调控所致。特别是这些基因也混合了引起心脏与肺脏疾病的风险,这也是初步实验的企图,希望了解不同版本的基因对于引发口腔癌的风险程度。』
研究小组在147个罹患口腔癌的男性患者、71个口腔黏膜纤维化的患者以及83个当成对照组没有罹患口腔癌的对象中寻找不同版本的 HO-1基因。HO-1 基因会保护细胞免受紫外线与过氧化氢的伤害,但也可能会促进肿瘤细胞的生长并且让癌症细胞继续存活。研究人员相信这些某些不同版本的基因片段可以预防口腔癌发生,有些则会引起口腔癌。
他们发现罹患口腔癌的槟榔嚼食者跟没有口腔癌的槟榔嚼食者有着不同版本的HO-1 基因。男性口腔癌的患者比起没有口腔癌的人有一个常见的变异基因。这个发现同时也确认了当男性内有这个变异基因时,将是口腔扁平细胞癌 (buccal squamous cell carcinoma) 的高风险族群。林教授说:『我们这个研究发现了男性有这个特殊版本的 HO-1 基因时,其口腔癌的罹患比例是一般人的两倍。这个结果显示出为何有些族群易于罹患口腔癌。』
英国癌症研究的 Lesley Walker 博士评论这个研究结果表示:『我们都知道嚼食槟榔容易罹患口腔癌,这个研究证实了伴随基因的缺陷将使罹患的风险更为升高。大多数的癌症患者是因为遗传与环境的因素结合而发病。这个结果显示习惯与生活方式对于口腔癌的发病有着更显著的影响力,要避免槟榔引发的口腔癌最好的方法就是不再嚼槟榔,或者混合着烟草一起嚼食。』
原始新闻出处: Areca-nut chewers with faulty gene have higher risk of mouth cancer http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/news/pressreleases/betelnut_12oct04 Areca-nut Chewers With Faulty Gene Have Higher Risk Of Mouth Cancer
October 12, 2004 -- Some people who chew areca nut may be genetically more prone to mouth cancer, a new report in the British Journal of Cancer reveals today*(note 1) (Tuesday)
The nut of the areca palm tree contains a mild, central nervous system stimulant called arecoline. Chewing the nut on its own or with a mixture of tobacco, lime and spices wrapped in the leaf of the betel tree is a popular habit in Asian countries and among British Asians.

While all areca chewers have an increased chance of developing mouth cancer, scientists believe the genetic make-up of a person is likely to influence their susceptibility to the disease.

Researchers based in Taiwan looked at variations in a gene that protects cells from damage in male areca chewers. They found that men with mouth cancer often had a different version of a gene than those not affected by the disease.

Their findings shed important light on how mouth cancer develops and why some men are more susceptible to the disease than others.

Over 153,000 new cases of mouth cancer are diagnosed in Asia each year. It accounts for up to 50 per cent of malignant tumours in some South Asian countries due to the popularity of areca chewing.

Researchers based at the National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan looked at variations of a gene called HO-1**(note 2). The gene helps protect cells from damage by harmful agents such as UV irradiation or hydrogen peroxide. But studies also suggest that the gene may be involved in promoting tumour growth and maintaining cancer cell survival.


作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-21 05:14