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Author:Vucelic B, Rex D, Pulanic R, Pfefer J, Hrstic I, Levin B, Halpern Z, Arber N.
Resource:Gastroenterology. 2006 Mar;130(3):672-7
Abstract: BACKGROUND & AIMS: Endoscopic screening of the colon with available instruments requires considerable training, is often painful, and carries a risk of perforation. New instrument platforms for endoscopic screening could be useful. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of colonic intubation by using a novel self-propelled, self-navigating endoscope (the Aer-O-Scope; GI View Ltd, Ramat Gan, Israel). METHODS: Twelve young healthy volunteers underwent complete bowel preparation followed by a nonsedated examination using the novel device. Each examination was followed by a standard colonoscopy for safety evaluation. Cecal intubation was confirmed by endoscopic landmarks and fluoroscopy. RESULTS: In 10 out of 12 subjects (83%) the cecum was successfully reached, whereas in 2 cases the Aer-O-Scope advanced to the hepatic flexure. The time to complete advancement to cecum averaged 14.0 +/- 7 minutes, and the driving pressures averaged 34 +/- 2.3 milibar. Two subjects requested analgesics during the procedures (in both cases the cecum was reached). Four subjects experienced sweating and a bloating sensation that resolved spontaneously. All subjects were followed up to 48 hours and then for 30 days postprocedure, and no complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: In a preliminary pilot feasibility study of this new instrument, the Aer-O-Scope effectively intubated all or most of the colon. Further clinical studies are warranted.
PMID:16530508 本人认领此文。如在48小时内未能提交译文,其他战友可自由认领。 Title: The aer-o-scope: proof of concept of a pneumatic, skill-independent, self-propelling, self-navigating colonoscope.
Author:Vucelic B, Rex D, Pulanic R, Pfefer J, Hrstic I, Levin B, Halpern Z, Arber N.
作者:Vucelic B, Rex D, Pulanic R, Pfefer J, Hrstic I, Levin B, Halpern Z, Arber N.
Resource:Gastroenterology. 2006 Mar;130(3):672-7
Abstract: BACKGROUND & AIMS: Endoscopic screening of the colon with available instruments requires considerable training, is often painful, and carries a risk of perforation. New instrument platforms for endoscopic screening could be useful. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of colonic intubation by using a novel self-propelled, self-navigating endoscope (the Aer-O-Scope; GI View Ltd, Ramat Gan, Israel). METHODS: Twelve young healthy volunteers underwent complete bowel preparation followed by a nonsedated examination using the novel device. Each examination was followed by a standard colonoscopy for safety evaluation. Cecal intubation was confirmed by endoscopic landmarks and fluoroscopy. RESULTS: In 10 out of 12 subjects (83%) the cecum was successfully reached, whereas in 2 cases the Aer-O-Scope advanced to the hepatic flexure.The time to complete advancement to cecum averaged 14.0 +/- 7 minutes, and the driving pressures averaged 34 +/- 2.3 milibar. Two subjects requested analgesics during the procedures (in both cases the cecum was reached). Four subjects experienced sweating and a bloating sensation that resolved spontaneously. All subjects were followed up to 48 hours and then for 30 days postprocedure, and no complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: In a preliminary pilot feasibility study of this new instrument, the Aer-O-Scope effectively intubated all or most of the colon. Further clinical studies are warranted.
背景与目的:以现有的仪器做结肠镜检查(医生)需要大量的培训,(病人)经常很痛苦,且伴有穿孔的危险。新设备平台下的内窥镜检查能够解决这些问题。这项研究的目的是应用一种新型自主推进、自主导航的内窥镜来评估结肠插管的安全有效性(the Aer-O-Scope;GI View 有限责任公司,Ramat Gan 以色列)。
结果:在12个志愿者中有10个(83%)的盲肠成功到达,而在另外2个中Aer-O-Scope最远到达了结肠肝曲。完全到达盲肠的平均时间为14.0 +/- 7分,前进的平均压力为34 +/- 2.3毫巴。两个受试者在进行中要求止痛(在这两种情况下达成的盲肠),4个受试者潜意识有出汗和肿胀感。所有受试者观察48小时,且随访30天无并发症。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-10-17 05:11