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HIV infection linked with lung disease

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. medical scientists suggest patients who are HIV positive may be at an increased risk for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The researchers from Yale University School of Medicine investigated the prevalence of COPD among 1,014 HIV-positive and 713 HIV-negative men enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort 5 Site Study.

Results showed the prevalence of COPD was 10 percent in HIV-positive and 9 percent in HIV-negative patients -- as reported by clinicians, and 15 percent and 12 percent, in that order, as indicated by patient self-reporting.

However, after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, pack-years of smoking, injection drug use and alcohol abuse, HIV infection was an independent risk factor for COPD, with HIV-infected patients 50 percent to 60 percent more likely to have COPD than HIV-negative subjects.

This study appears in the November issue of the journal CHEST.

http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20061114-080955-9108r HIV infection linked with lung disease
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. medical scientists suggest patients who are HIV positive may be at an increased risk for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The researchers from Yale University School of Medicine investigated the prevalence of COPD among 1,014 HIV-positive and 713 HIV-negative men enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort 5 Site Study.
耶鲁大学医学院的研究人员调查了1041个HIV阳性感染者和713个HIV阴性男子中慢性阻塞性肺疾病的流行情况,这些受试人员都是Veterans Aging Cohort 5 Site Study(5个诊断点的退伍军人老龄化人群研究)的登记对象。
Results showed the prevalence of COPD was 10 percent in HIV-positive and 9 percent in HIV-negative patients -- as reported by clinicians, and 15 percent and 12 percent, in that order, as indicated by patient self-reporting.
However, after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, pack-years of smoking, injection drug use and alcohol abuse, HIV infection was an independent risk factor for COPD, with HIV-infected patients 50 percent to 60 percent more likely to have COPD than HIV-negative subjects.
但是,研究人员发现,如果去除年龄、种族、烟龄、静脉注射毒品和酗酒等因素外, HIV感染是慢性阻塞性肺疾病的一个独立相关因素,与HIV阴性的受试者相比,HIV感染者中慢性阻塞性肺疾病发病率要高50-60%。
This study appears in the November issue of the journal CHEST.

另:Veterans Aging Cohort 5 Site Study找不到合适的翻译方式,查了相关的资料,觉得意思应该是来自“5个诊断点的退伍军人老龄化人群研究”,但是觉得很别扭,不知道各位还有没有好的翻译?



【J Clin Oncol】BCIRG 007研究




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-11 17:11