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Americans Seeking Health Care Overseas
By Victor D'Angelo

The National Coalition on Health Care made the report which stated that the number of Americans going overseas for health care reached 500,000 last year.

Asian hospitals have been catering to medical tourists for many years for cosmetic surgery but also now do other surgeries which carry a high price tag such as knee surgery, heart surgery, and back operations.

Outsourcing health services to the developing countries in the world is turning into a big business.

"It's just one of the many ways in which our world is flattening," said Arnold Milstein, chief physician at New York-based Mercer Health and Benefits. "Many companies see it as a natural extension of the competition they've faced in other aspects of their business."

This follows the fact that costs for employer-sponsores health coverage has increased by 87 percent over the past years. 本人已经认领这篇,48小时未交稿,请其他战友继续认领 国家保健联盟出笼的报告显示: 美国公民前往海外寻求医疗服务的人数去年达到50万人.

多年来, 亚洲的医院一直在招徕医疗旅游客户和生意, 主要是针对整容手术患者, 但现在也兜售其他价格更高的关节,心脏和背部手术等服务项目。


位于纽约Mercer 健康与福利管理组织(HMO)的首席医生Arnold Milstein认为: “这是显示我们的世界变的扁平的方式之一”。许多公司把这种日益频繁的海外求医现象视为商业竞争白热化所引起的自然延伸。

这种趋势增长的原因在于雇主赞助的员工保健计划,其费用在过去几年增加了87%。 难怪人们去海外旅游时, 享受一下医疗服务(是否价廉物美,还难以定论)成为风气。

不过在海外享受医疗服务,不是所有费用都能被美国的医疗保险公司认可并买单,有的费用(比如整容手术,保险公司本来就不买单)也许完全由病人自己承担也是花得来的, 因为在美国看病动手术实在太贵了。

The National Coalition on Health Care made the report which stated that the number of Americans going overseas for health care reached 500,000 last year.

Asian hospitals have been catering to medical tourists for many years for cosmetic surgery but also now do other surgeries which carry a high price tag such as knee surgery, heart surgery, and back operations.

Outsourcing health services to the developing countries in the world is turning into a big business.

"It's just one of the many ways in which our world is flattening," said Arnold Milstein, chief physician at New York-based Mercer Health and Benefits. "Many companies see it as a natural extension of the competition they've faced in other aspects of their business."

This follows the fact that costs for employer-sponsores health coverage has increased by 87 percent over the past years. The National Coalition on Health Care made the report which stated that the number of Americans going overseas for health care reached 500,000 last year.全国联盟卫生保健报道:去年在海外接受医疗保健的美国人已达到50万。

Asian hospitals have been catering to medical tourists for many years for cosmetic surgery but also now do other surgeries which carry a high price tag such as knee surgery, heart surgery, and back operations.亚洲医院多年来一直向海外游客提供整容手术的服务。现在又开展了诸如膝关节、心脏和背部手术等费用高昂的手术。

Outsourcing health services to the developing countries in the world is turning into a big business.向发展中国家销售医疗设备正出现巨大商机

"It's just one of the many ways in which our world is flattening," said Arnold Milstein, chief physician at New York-based Mercer Health and Benefits. "Many companies see it as a natural extension of the competition they've faced in other aspects of their business." 纽约Mercer医疗福利院,主任医师Arnold Milstein说,现在有各种全球化趋势,这只是其中之一。许多公司把它看作是竞争的自然延伸。在其他领域他们已经面临这种竞争。

This follows the fact that costs for employer-sponsores health coverage has increased by 87 percent over the past years.这也是过去几年,由于雇主赞助的保健覆盖率已增加了87%所引发的后果。


【商业翻译】Elsevier Me


作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-06 17:11