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Salmonella Outbreak in Pennsylvania Due to Raw Milk Consumption

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Nov 09 - Consumption of raw milk or cheese made from raw milk caused an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium that occurred earlier this year in Pennsylvania, health investigators write in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released Thursday.

Raw milk consumption has been touted by some advocates as a means of cutting the risks of atherosclerosis, arthritis, and lactose intolerance, but scientific evidence supporting these claims is lacking. Moreover, in addition to Salmonella, raw milk is a well-known source of infection from Escherichia coli O157:H7, Camplyobacter, Listeria, and Mycobacterium bovis, among other pathogens.

The only sure way to prevent these infections is not to consume raw milk in the first place, the report emphasizes.

The outbreak, which took place in February, involved 29 people with diarrheal illness who were found to be infected with S. typhimurium. None of the people died, but two required hospitalization. More that half of the people were under 7 years of age.

An investigation launched by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture revealed that all but seven of the subjects had consumed, or resided in a house containing, raw milk from the same dairy. Testing of raw milk samples from the subjects' homes and from the dairy confirmed the presence of the same S. typhimurium type.

The dairy was ordered to cease raw milk distribution and their raw-milk permit was later revoked.

"The findings underscore the need to inform policymakers and the public of the potential health risks associated with raw-milk consumption," the report concludes.


screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=251 height=320 title="Click to view full ghf_92596559259655.jpg (251 X 320)" border=0 align=absmiddle> 我来认领,48小时内不能提交译文,请其他战友自由认领! Salmonella Outbreak in Pennsylvania Due to Raw Milk Consumption
在宾夕凡尼亚州生牛奶引发伤寒爆发 在美国有些人认为饮用不经高温消毒的牛奶更有营养,所以有些人组织起来成立一个小范围的饮用生牛奶的小团体,他们直接从农场买奶,再分发给小团体内部的人饮用。 I usually buy milk in grocery store, and drink it without any heating. I am not sure it is OK. I will check it. Thanks for your valuable information. 请问大侠:用高温消毒的牛奶有营养吗? 超高温灭菌技术则是采用135~152℃的高温将牛奶中的细菌全部杀死,优点是保质期长,但这种“长”是以杀死所有微生物为代价的。因为牛奶的营养成分在高温下会遭到破坏,乳糖在高温下会焦化,所以超高温灭菌奶并非品质最优。 牛奶的消毒不是采用巴氏消毒法吗?高温致蛋白质变性了喔。我觉得市场上销售的牛奶基本上都是经过消毒的,可以放心饮用。但是一定要注意保质期,曾经试过有凝块。Take care! 在我们国家伤寒、副伤寒的水源性爆发经常发生,饮食导致的爆发相对较少。但这个案例很有意义,也提醒我们饮用生牛奶是不安全的。 health investigators write in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released Thursday.
健康方面的调查者在周四发表的每周发病率和死亡率报告(MMWR)在阐述了这个案例。 原文来自
http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5644a3.htm 请胭脂修改题目

Salmonella typhimurium 鼠伤寒沙门菌,主要引起感染性腹泻,属于丙类传染病

Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌,引起伤寒(Typhoid fever) ,是我国的乙类传染病 [标签:content1][标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-08-24 05:14