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【Eur Respir J】缓慢呼吸抑制交感兴奋

Eur Respir J 2008; 32:387-392

Slow breathing reduces sympathoexcitation in COPD

T. Raupach1, F. Bahr1, P. Herrmann2, L. Luethje1, K. Heusser3, G. Hasenfuß1, L. Bernardi4,5 and S. Andreas1,6

Keywords: Baroreflex, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, slow breathing, sympathetic activity

Neurohumoral activation has been shown to be present in hypoxic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aims of the present study were to investigate whether there is sympathetic activation in COPD patients in the absence of hypoxia and whether slow breathing has an impact on sympathoexcitation and baroreflex sensitivity.

Efferent muscle sympathetic nerve activity, blood pressure, cardiac frequency and respiratory movements were continuously measured in 15 COPD patients and 15 healthy control subjects. Baroreflex sensitivity was analysed by autoregressive spectral analysis and the alpha-angle method.

At baseline, sympathetic nerve activity was significantly elevated in COPD patients and baroreflex sensitivity was decreased (5.0±0.6 versus 8.9±0.8 ms·mmHg–1). Breathing at a rate of 6 breaths·min–1 caused sympathetic activity to drop significantly in COPD patients (from 61.3±4.6 to 53.0±4.3 bursts per 100 heartbeats) but not in control subjects (39.2±3.2 versus 37.5±3.3 bursts per 100 heartbeats). In both groups, slow breathing significantly enhanced baroreflex sensitivity.

In conclusion, sympathovagal imbalance is present in normoxic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. The possibility of modifying these changes by slow breathing may help to better understand and influence this systemic disease. 呵呵,jiaxing老大发的。本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 欧洲呼吸病学杂志,2008年,32卷:387-392页。
T. Raupach1, F. Bahr1, P. Herrmann2, L. Luethje1, K. Heusser3, G. Hasenfuß1, L. Bernardi4,5 and S. Andreas1,6 (作者)
基础水平,COPD患者的交感神经活性显著升高,压力反射敏感性降低(5.0±0.6 比8.9±0.8 ms·mmHg–1)。在呼吸频率6次/分时,COPD患者交感神经活性显著降低(每100次呼吸中的阵发兴奋次数从 61.3±4.6 下降到 53.0±4.3),但对照组无变化(每100次呼吸中的阵发兴奋次数39.2±3.2 比 37.5±3.3)。两组中,缓慢呼吸均显著增加压力反射敏感性。
结论:无缺氧的COPD患者存在交感和迷走神经的失衡。通过缓慢呼吸来改变这些变化可能能够更好的理解和干预全身性疾病。 学习了先. 叫偶怎么评论好呢?中国的气功-吐纳运动比美国的这种什么什么研究先进的多的多没人去研究!



美国人研究了半天COPD结果部还是很多机理不清,那叫终身慢性疾病,那叫得了以后可以治疗可以预防,但是是无法根治逐步加重直至死亡的疾病 好!练气功去! 美国人设计了一个严谨的实验来验证问题,这就是科学的精神。不在于你要验证的东西多简单,哪怕是常识,而在于实验方法的严谨性。搞气功的人一般都不屑于去做实验验证自己是否正确,而始终相信自己正确。 其实这就是气功或太极拳对人体的影响,看来以后对COPD患者出院后一定劝其打打太极拳。 缓慢呼吸是核心,气功太极不过是增加了许多无用的花架子,使人难以学会,反而忘了核心。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]


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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-06-23 05:20