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DATE: October 20, 2006

A new pill just might help people lose weight by taking the edge off the cravings that make dieting so painful. And an added bonus, lower blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels as well. The drug, rimonabant, fights the drive to overeat by blocking receptors in the brain that bring on the "munchies" when they're activated by natural appetite-regulating chemicals. (As it happens, the chemicals behave a lot like marijuana, and their discovery in the 1990s was prompted by earlier research into how pot works in the body.) Rimonabant was approved in June for use in the European Union, where it goes by the name Acomplia. Manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis hopes for approval in the USA by the end of this year.

Besides helping to control appetite, the body system that rimonabant acts upon plays a role in regulating weight and the breakdown of glucose and fat, as molecules called endocannabinoids bind to receptors in fat, muscle, the gastrointestinal tract, and the liver. The system's many functions may explain why people taking rimonabant see improvement in a range of risk factors for heart disease and diabetes-their blood glucose, their cholesterol readings-that can't be explained by weight loss alone. "There's a growing body of evidence that in obesity the system is overactivated," says Louis Aronne, a professor at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York who has studied rimonabant. "What we're doing with this treatment is to try to tone it down to a normal level."
除了控制食欲外,利莫那班作为一种内源性大麻素能够与脂肪、肌肉、胃肠道和肝脏的受体结合,发挥消耗糖与脂肪,以及调节体重的作用。这个系统的许多功能可以解释为什么服用利莫那班的患者心血管疾病和糖尿病的风险(血压和胆固醇水平)降低了,这些现象单纯用体重减轻是不能解释的。利莫那班的研究者,纽约Weill Cornell医学中心Louis Aronne教授称:“越来越多的证据说明该系统在肥胖患者体内被过度激活,我们需要做的就是将它降低到正常水平。”

One hitch: Side effects reported include anxiety and depression. Some experts worry that the trials haven't looked at people who were depressed before starting the drug. "You could make the argument that a lot of obese people have an increased tendency to be depressed," says Stephen Woods, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Obesity Research Center at the University of Cincinnati. "How the drug will affect the obese person who's depressed is an unknown."
一点缺陷:据报道,利莫那班的副作用包括焦虑与抑郁。一些专家因没有特别观察用药前伴有抑郁症的受试者而感到遗憾。“你也可以认为许多肥胖患者患抑郁症的倾向增加,”美国辛辛那提大学肥胖研究中心主任,精神病学教授Stephen Woods说,“该药如何影响伴有抑郁的肥胖患者目前尚不清楚。”

Obesity pill seen as new way to treat diabetes
Obesity Pill May Treat Diabetes
Diabetes II May Be Controlled By Sanofi's New Obesity Pill 新闻来源http://www.medindia.net/news/view_news_main.asp?str=1&x=15387

Sanofi-Aventis' Accomplia (rimonabant), a new drug for treatment of obesity, has been found to control blood sugar and reduce risk of cardiac problems in people with diabetes type 2. The research was done on 1,047 overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes in Europe and south and North America.

Some of them were given 5 or 20 mg/day of rimonabant, while the others were treated with a placebo, for a 1 year period. Those on the drug showed a vast improvement in terms of weight loss, abdominal fat and waist size reduction and controlled blood sugar levels, and better appetite.







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-06-21 05:11