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【社会人文】BMJ: 病人数据的泄露和威胁 Leaks a

BMJ 2011; 342:d871 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d871 (Published 11 February 2011)
Cite this as: BMJ 2011; 342:d871


Leaks and threats to patient data

1. Syed Abdul Shabbir1, 2. Luis Fernandez-Luque2, 3. Yu-Chuan Li3,
4. Min-Huei Hsu3, 5. Pei-San Lee1, 6. Wen-Ta Chiu4

+ Author Affiliations

1. jaak88@gmail.com

The number of thefts of laptop computers and USB flash drives is increasing, and the threat of stolen information being published online is real. The situation may worsen if hackers start to operate websites similar to WikiLeaks.

The US Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 provided incentives of about $37bn to encourage “meaningful use” of electronic health records by providers. This initiative has increased the adoption rate of electronic health records, and at least 56% of US hospitals have now implemented them or initiated implementation.1 Meanwhile, illegal publication of confidential cables on WikiLeaks,2 and recent “distributed denial of service” attacks on Mastercard and Amazon3 should be a warning to healthcare providers, patients, and policy makers to rethink security technologies.

Several scandals have been reported from the US and UK about the loss of USB drives and laptops belonging to healthcare staff that contained personal health information of thousands of patients (see table? for examples). It is obvious that celebrities and politicians are going to be targeted first: WikiLeaks has already published cables relating to the facial tumour of the president of Bolivia4 and diverticulitis of the colon of the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.5 More platforms might well be launched publishing sensitive patient information, which cannot be blocked effectively by current technology.

Examples of stolen records of patients’ sensitive information from the US and UK

Although distributed denial of service attacks do not harm a database, they are generally carried out to prevent people having access to an internet site or to prevent a service from functioning. Now that many hospitals and general practitioners are adopting web based applications and electronic health records, security experts have to be on high alert to take appropriate actions if needed.

Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d871


1. Mangalmurti SS, Murtagh L, Mello MM. Medical malpractice liability in the age of electronic health records. N Engl J Med2010;363:2060-7.
[CrossRef][Medline][Web of Science]
2. At a glance: Wikileaks cables. *** News2010 Dec 18. www.***.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11914040
3. Anonymous hacktivists say Wikileaks war to continue. *** News2010 Dec 9. www.***.co.uk/news/technology-11935539
4. Carloz Valdez. Bolivia denies leaked report of presidential tumor. Washington Post2010 Nov 30.
5. .Wikileaks on Cuba: Fidel Castro ‘nearly died.’ *** News2010 Dec 16. www.***.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-12005971

* Correction

In this Filler article by Syed Abdul Shabbir and colleagues (BMJ 2011;342:d871, doi:10.1136/bmj.d871), an editorial error led to the omission of the name of the second author. The missing author was Jian Wen-Shan of the School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. 加护病房病人镇静与止痛之处置…文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版2. Stewart CA, Luey MR. Approach to the patient with chronic liver disease and ... www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/03/briefing/3959B1_ 02_B-FDA-Clinical%20Data%20...dlweb01.tzuchi.com.tw/...5.pdf-2011-01-25-病人镇静与止痛之处置…" from Claims Data文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版between medical records and claims data were ranged from a high of 0.86 to a ... The concordance of claims-based criteria with the medical record and patient ...ir.ym.edu.tw/...B221267634.pdf-2010-05-08-Data" BMJ Vol.341,No.7774,September 25,2010对孤儿药物的社会观点:40至67岁的挪威人横断面调查 Clinical Review Head and neck ... data on patient reported health outcomes 国家卫生保健系统公布新的病人报告的保健...mso.sysu.edu.cn/...icleID=5452-2010-09-25-快照-BMJ Vol.341,No.7774,September 25,2010"[标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-17 11:03