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2月9日,《神经科学杂志》刊登了中科院上海生科院神经所突触生理学研究组的论文《Extracellular spermine exacerbates ischemic neuronal injury through sensitization of ASIC1a channels to extracellular acidosis》。此工作是由博士后段波和博士研究生王宜之在徐天乐研究员的指导下共同完成的。
Ischemic brain injury is a major problem associated with stroke. It has been increasingly recognized that acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) contribute significantly to ischemic neuronal damage, but the underlying mechanism has remained elusive. Here, we show that extracellular spermine, one of the endogenous polyamines, exacerbates ischemic neuronal injury through sensitization of ASIC1a channels to extracellular acidosis. Pharmacological blockade of ASIC1a or deletion of the ASIC1 gene greatly reduces the enhancing effect of spermine in ischemic neuronal damage both in cultures of dissociated neurons and in a mouse model of focal ischemia. Mechanistically, spermine profoundly reduces desensitization of ASIC1a by slowing down desensitization in the open state, shifting steady-state desensitization to more acidic pH, and accelerating recovery between repeated periods of acid stimulation. Spermine-mediated potentiation of ASIC1a activity is occluded by PcTX1 (psalmotoxin 1), a specific ASIC1a inhibitor binding to its extracellular domain. Functionally, the enhanced channel activity is accompanied by increased acid-induced neuronal membrane depolarization and cytoplasmic Ca2+ overload, which may partially explain the exacerbated neuronal damage caused by spermine. More importantly, blocking endogenous spermine synthesis significantly attenuates ischemic brain injury mediated by ASIC1a but not that by NMDA receptors. Thus, extracellular spermine contributes significantly to ischemic neuronal injury through enhancing ASIC1a activity. Our data suggest new neuroprotective strategies for stroke patients via inhibition of polyamine synthesis and subsequent spermine–ASIC interaction. 二OO五年甘肃省科学技术研究成果公报文件类型:DOC/Microsoft Word- 文字版二OO五年甘肃省科学技术研究成果公报 目录 一、农业 (1) 二、工业 (69) 三、医药、... 同时在急倾斜特厚煤层开采塌陷区发展动态预测与防洪治理对策研究中取得了新的认识和...www.gsstc.gov.cn/...0_4697.doc-2011-01-29-科学技术研究成果公报" 2007年河北省科学技术研究文件类型:DOC/Microsoft Word- 文字版取得了良好效果.具有较大的应用价值. 高速公路路面施工质量动态控制研究 部门地方... 该项目完成的系列工作建立了一个新的科学观点,即:细胞膜PIP2是决定钾离子通道功能的...www.heinfo.gov.cn/...17cg2.doc-2011-01-14-科学技术研究" 的科学研究和组织研究成果的交流;介绍化学科学发展、促进知识更...文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版生命科学中很多问题已经成为化学和生物学的共同研究对象.同时,分 子生物学已为合成... 篇.“中国稀土元素分析研究新进展”一文介绍了我国稀土分析取得的 成就,引起国外同...i1.tzsy.cn/...012/ts012001.pdf-2011-02-01-科学研究和组织研究成果的交流;介绍化学科学发展、促进知识更..."[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-13 23:22