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每年防盲组织约行238,514 次白内障手术.
博士伦英国分公司总经理Gareth Steer介绍说,"博士伦英国分公司从去年开始对一些声誉良好的慈善活动给予关注,如防盲人员,英国防盲运动及视力测定等"."我们相信这些慈善机构使白内障病人生活质量的显著改善同我们的"改善视力,提高生活质量'的使命相一致,并且我们对他们工作提供支持而感到自豪".
(OT Feb 15, 2008)
Bausch & Lomb donates IOLs

Feb 15, 2008
Ophthalmology Times

Surrey, U.K.—Bausch & Lomb donated 9,500 IOLs to Sightsavers International in support of its campaign to cure and prevent blindness in developing countries.

About 238,514 cataract operations are carried out annually by Sightsavers. The £200,000 lenses will be life changing to the thousands of individual who receive the cataract operations.

"Bausch & Lomb U.K. decided last year to focus our charitable support on a few reputable eye related charities, such as Sightsavers, British Blind Sport, and Optometry Giving Sight," said Gareth Steer, general manager of Bausch & Lomb, U.K. "We believe that the incredible difference that these charities make to people's lives is completely aligned to our own mission of 'Perfecting Vision and Enhancing Life', and we are proud to support their wonderful work."

Sightsavers has already sent the first batch to projects in Zambia and others will go to Uganda, Liberia, Nigeria, and Cameroon later this month. 请提供原文及出处。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]





作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-05 17:22