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【medical-news】Statin drugs may slow smokers' lung damage他

Statin drugs may slow smokers' lung damage他汀类药物可以减缓吸烟者肺的损伤
Anti-cholesterol pills seem to protect against inflammation, test shows试验研究表明降低胆固醇药物似乎可以抵御炎症

Updated: 10:44 a.m. ET Oct. 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - Statin drugs, which have become the world’s No. 1 selling drugs by cutting cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks and stroke, may also slow the lung damage done by smoking, researchers said.华盛顿:他汀类药物,世界销量第一的降低胆固醇、心脏病发作和中风风险的药物,能够减缓吸烟导致的肺部的损伤。

Current and former smokers who used statins lost less of their lung function than those who did not, researchers told a meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians. 研究人员在美国胸腔医师学会的会议上发言:使用他汀类药物的曾经或者当前吸烟者比那些没有服用的吸烟者来说,肺部伤害更少。

“Until now, no medication has shown to slow smoking-induced lung damage,” said Dr. Walid Younis of the University of Oklahoma Medical Center, who led the study.
“Our study is the first to show that statins may decrease the decline in lung function in smokers and former smokers, and, therefore, prevent millions from developing debilitating diseases that could eventually lead to death.”“直到现在,还没有任何一种药物可以缓解吸烟导致的肺部伤害。”来自Oklahoma Medical Center 大学,这项研究的领导者,Walid Younis教授说道,“我们的研究首次表明他汀类药物能够减轻吸烟患者和曾经吸烟者的肺部伤害,因此,可以把数以百万计患者从这种可以致死的慢性病的泥沼中救出。

Younis and colleagues studied 182 current smokers and 303 former smokers who were on average in their mid-60s. Younis和他的同事研究了182名正在吸烟患者和303名曾经吸烟患者,他们平均年龄大约60多岁。

They had all undergone at least two pulmonary function tests between 18 and 30 months apart. Of the 485 patients, 319 had obstructive lung disease, 99 had restrictive lung disease, and 67 had normal lung function. And 238 had been taking statin drugs

Breathing capacity tests showed that patients not taking statins lost more on two measures of lung function — forced expiratory volume in 1 second or FEV1 and forced vital capacity or FVC.肺活量测试表明未服用他汀类药物的患者在两项肺功能测试指标上降低很多:用力呼气肺活量1(FEV1)和用力肺活量(FVC)。

Statin patients saw FEV1 fall by 2.5 percent over the 18-to-30-month period, while those not taking the drugs lost an average of 12.8 percent. 通过18-30个月的观测,服用他汀类患者在FEV1上降低了2.5%,而未服药患者平均降低了12.8%。

For FVC, statin patients lost 1.3 percent of capacity compared with 10.3 percent loss in the others.对于FVC来说,服用他汀类患者降低了1.3%的容量,而未服用者则降低了10.3%。

Staying out of the hospital医药外
Patients with obstructive lung disease who took statins were 35 percent less likely to visit the emergency room or to be admitted to the hospital.服用他汀的阻塞性肺部疾病患者只有不到35%患者需要急诊或者住院治疗。

It is not entirely clear how statin drugs work, but they appear to affect inflammation and to benefit the lining of blood vessels and capillaries, called the epithelium.他汀类药物起作用的工作机理并不是很清楚,但是它们能够抑制炎症,并能够保护血管或者是毛细血管的上皮细胞。

“It is conceivable that long-term statin therapy could be used in smokers and former smokers to prevent and slow the progression of lung diseases,” Younis said.Younis说:“很明显,吸烟患者和曾经吸烟患者长期使用他汀类药物进行治疗,可以防止或减缓肺部疾病的发生进程。”

But he said smokers still need to quit.但是,他仍然强调,吸烟患者必须要戒烟。

“Even though statins may help with lung function, they have no effect on preventing a patient from the major smoking-related killer, which is lung cancer. Therefore, smokers should never lose their incentive to quit smoking.”“尽管他汀有助于肺的功能恢复,但是并不能有效抑制由吸烟导致的肺癌。因此,吸烟患者决不能丧失戒烟的信心。”

A second study presented at the same conference confirmed other studies that have shown that statins can reduce the numbers of strokes, heart attacks and overall deaths from any causes in heart patients.在这个会议上另一个研究证实了其他的研究成果:他汀可以减少心脏病患者的中风、心脏病发作或者死亡数量。



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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-06-20 23:47