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The use of centrally installed ultraviolet (UV) irradiation units in the homes of asthmatic children who are sensitized to mold can improve their symptoms, according to a new report.
The idea is that UV light kills off circulating microbial agents that can trigger asthma.
The study is one of only a few to look at the health benefits of UV air disinfection systems, Dr. Jonathan A. Bernstein, from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, and colleagues note in the May issue of the Journal of Asthma. Also, many of the previous studies have focused on the use of these systems in an office environment, not at home.
In a 28-week 'crossover' trial, the researchers assessed respiratory symptoms in 19 children with asthma first while UV irradiation units were running in the home central ventilation system and then when dummy units were installed, or vice versa.
UV irradiation was delivered by the CREON2000 Photonic Air Disinfection system, which can operate continuously due to the presence of a pre-filter system that prevents dust from accumulating on the UV lamps.
Compared with the placebo situation, the use of the UV irradiation system was associated with a significant improvement in the children's peak expiratory flow rate, the report indicates.
In addition, the system seemed to improve asthma symptoms and reduce asthma medication usage by 51 percent, compared to 13 percent with placebo.
A larger study "to validate the clinical health effects of UV irradiation as a primary indoor environmental intervention for allergic asthma" is necessary to confirm the present findings, the researchers conclude.
SOURCE: Journal of Asthma, May 2006. 一个新报导称,在对霉菌过敏而患有哮喘的儿童家中安装中央紫外辐照设备可以改善其哮喘症状。其思路是紫外光能够杀灭可以导致哮喘的空气中浮游微生物。
俄亥俄州辛辛那提大学的Jonathan A. Bernstein博士及其合作者在五月份的《哮喘杂志》上指出,该研究只是众多探索紫外空气消毒系统对健康的有益作用的研究之一,然而,许多先前研究都是集中于在办公环境中使用这些系统,而不是在居民家中。
源自:哮喘杂志,2006年5月号,Journal of Asthma, May 2006. 这个怎么没有加分啊?!忘记了吗?
atgc wrote:
逃 wrote:
这个研究不可能是将儿童直接暴露再紫外线照射之下,其真正的含义应该是让儿童生活在紫外线照射过的环境中。逃 wrote:
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-24 05:14