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December 31, 2008 — Adding formoterol to low-dose budesonide treatment is more likely to be associated with well-controlled asthma vs a large increase in the dose of an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), according to the results of a study reported in the December issue of Chest.
"Combination therapy with...ICSs and long-acting beta 2-agonists (LABAs), or treatment with high doses of ICSs alone improves asthma control when therapy with low-dose ICSs is not sufficient," write Paul M. O'Byrne, MB, FCCP, from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues. "However, it is not known which of these treatment options is more effective in sustaining asthma control."
The goal of this post hoc analysis was to compare the effect of increasing the ICS dosage vs adding long-acting beta2-agonists on the time spent with well-controlled or poorly controlled asthma. The Formoterol and Corticosteroid Establishing Therapy study compared the effects of a 4-fold increase in the budesonide dose with and without formoterol.
Adding formoterol, 24 µg/day, to therapy with budesonide, 200 µg/day, improved time with well-controlled asthma by 19% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3% - 35%; P = .017). Therapy with budesonide, 800 µg/day, alone improved time with well-controlled asthma by only 2% (95% CI, ⺷9% to 12%), and this was not statistically significant (P = .76). By adding formoterol to therapy with budesonide, 800 µg/day, time with well-controlled asthma was further improved by 29% (95% CI, 13% - 47%; P < .001).
With use of the same interventions, time with poorly controlled asthma was significantly reduced by 43% (95% CI, 25% - 57%), 22% (95% CI, 7% - 44%), and 50% (95% CI, 30% - 64%), respectively. When compared with increasing the budesonide dose 4-fold, adding formoterol to budesonide was significantly more effective in increasing time with well-controlled asthma (increase, 16%; 95% CI, 1% - 33%; P = .035), with a trend toward a greater reduction in time with poor control (decrease, 21%; 95% CI, ⺷5% to 42%).
"The addition of formoterol to therapy with low-dose budesonide increases the probability of well-controlled asthma compared to a substantial increase in the dose of an ICS," the study authors write. "This analysis demonstrates no benefit for increasing the ICS doses alone in achieving well-controlled asthma, although reductions in exacerbations and time with poor control were observed."
Limitations of this study include lack of a formoterol therapy–alone treatment group and inability to determine compliance. 初次翻译,请多多指教!
Formoterol Plus Low-Dose Budesonide May Improve Asthma Control
December 31, 2008 — Adding formoterol to low-dose budesonide treatment is more likely to be associated with well-controlled asthma vs a large increase in the dose of an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), according to the results of a study reported in the December issue of Chest.
"Combination therapy with...ICSs and long-acting beta 2-agonists (LABAs), or treatment with high doses of ICSs alone improves asthma control when therapy with low-dose ICSs is not sufficient," write Paul M. O'Byrne, MB, FCCP, from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues. "However, it is not known which of these treatment options is more effective in sustaining asthma control."
“当低剂量ICS控制哮喘效果不佳时,我们通常使用ICSs联合长效β-2受体激动剂(LABAs)或者单纯大剂量使用ICSs来改善和控制哮喘发作,然而,我们不知道对于哮喘持续状态的控制哪种治疗方案更好。”来自加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市McMaste大学医学学士,美国胸内科学会会员Paul M. O'Byrne及其同事在文章中写道。
The goal of this post hoc analysis was to compare the effect of increasing the ICS dosage vs adding long-acting beta2-agonists on the time spent with well-controlled or poorly controlled asthma. The Formoterol and Corticosteroid Establishing Therapy study compared the effects of a 4-fold increase in the budesonide dose with and without formoterol.
Adding formoterol, 24 µg/day, to therapy with budesonide, 200 µg/day, improved time with well-controlled asthma by 19% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3% - 35%; P = .017). Therapy with budesonide, 800 µg/day, alone improved time with well-controlled asthma by only 2% (95% CI, ⺷9% to 12%), and this was not statistically significant (P = .76). By adding formoterol to therapy with budesonide, 800 µg/day, time with well-controlled asthma was further improved by 29% (95% CI, 13% - 47%; P < .001).
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-17 05:11