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Tanghetti EA. Cutis [NLM - MEDLINE]. Feb 2003. Vol. 71, Iss. 2; pg. 158
The cause of the selective melanocyte destruction in vitiligo may be due to an autoimmune disorder. A series of 15 patients with vitiligo were treated with a topical immunomodulator, tacrolimus ointment 0.1%, twice daily for a minimum of 45 days. Thirteen patients (87%) experienced at least partial repigmentation, and 3 of those patients had greater than 75% repigmentation. Patients with the greatest treatment response likely benefited from concomitant natural sunlight exposure. Further studies investigating the safety and efficacy of tacrolimus ointment either as monotherapy or in combination with other therapeutic measures are warranted.
白癜风的选择性黑素细胞破坏术可能引起自身免疫性疾病。1组15例白癜风患者采用局部免疫调节剂,0.1%免疫抑制剂油膏,2/日,最短疗程为45天。13名患者(87%)至少出现了局部色素重新形成,并且3例患者出现了大于75%的色素重新形成。出现最佳治疗效果的患者可能受益于伴用自然光暴露疗法。进一步的研究已被授权,用于调查免疫抑制剂油膏单一疗法或是与其它治疗方法联合使用的安全性和有效性。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-17 05:12