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About NEJMAccess in China

Free access to full-text articles online in China will end on March 10, 2011
For many years, The New England Journal of Medicine has provided free access in China to full-text articles on NEJM.org. In recent years, the Chinese economy has grown considerably, and significant improvements have been seen in healthcare markets.

Consequently, effective on March 10, 2011, NEJM will no longer be providing free access in China to our full content online. After this date, access to full-text content on NEJM.org within China will be the same as in many other countries, with free abstracts, free search functionality, and selected free articles. As in other countries, full-text access will be available with a subscription.

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Note for Current Subscribers: Your access to NEJM.org will not be interrupted. We will be contacting you by mail and email with more information about this change.

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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-16 11:59