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screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=640 height=439 title="Click to view full 1.JPG (798 X 548)" border=0 align=absmiddle> 自上周首次公开了人类排卵照片后,真是一次奇妙的旅行—我们又获得了“人类下蛋蛋”的第一手影象资料。
为了拍摄这一过程,比利时鲁文人口与胚胎学研究所的Stephan Gordts和Ivo Brosens,借助于经阴道腹腔镜检查,其中包括自阴道壁小切口用内窥镜观察卵子。
上周,在布鲁塞尔鲁汶天主教大学的Jacques Donnez机缘巧合的拍到了排卵的照片,为了便于拍摄,他们使用气体来扩张组织器官。而Gordts and Brosens则是用盐溶液将之漂浮其中。
录像:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-VKgdhfNpY 对照:
Following the publication last week of the best ever photos of the ovulation of a human egg, we now go, Fantastic Voyage-like, to the first video footage of the moment itself.
To record the sequence, Stephan Gordts and Ivo Brosens of the Leuven Institute for Fertility & Embryology in Belgium performed transvaginal laparoscopy, which involves making a small cut in the vaginal wall and observing the ovary with an endoscope.
为了拍摄这一过程,比利时鲁文人口与胚胎学研究所的Stephan Gordts和Ivo Brosens,借助于经阴道腹腔镜检查,其中包括自阴道壁小切口用内窥镜观察卵子。
"This allows us direct access to and observation of the tubo-ovarian structures without manipulation using forceps," says Gordts.
For the photos of ovulation, which only accidentally captured the critical moment, Jacques Donnez at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Brussels, Belgium, used gas to
distend the organs for photography. However, Gordts and Brosens planned the procedure to coincide with ovulation and used saline solution to "float" the structures.
上周,在布鲁塞尔鲁汶天主教大学的Jacques Donnez机缘巧合的拍到了排卵的照片,为了便于拍摄,他们使用气体来扩张组织器官。而Gordts and Brosens则是用盐溶液将之漂浮其中。
Perfect timing
Observation was timed for the day of the peak of the patient's luteal hormone cycle. Ovulation was predicted to occur on the evening of the day of the LH peak, and the endoscope introduced at 6 pm.
A small amount of saline was used to float the opening of the fallopian tube, its fimbriae (the "fingers" that sweep the egg into the tube) and the ovary itself. This gives a more natural appearance than gas, says Gordts.
In the video, the fimbriae can be seen sweeping in time with the patient's heartbeat. A mucus plug can be seen protruding from the ovary – this contains the egg.
"The ovum is not captured 'naked'," says Gordts. "There is no eruption like a volcano."
Gordts says that in clinical practice it is not easy to organise the observation of ovulation. "We were probably lucky to be successful at our first attempt," he says.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-29 17:14