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Link Between Obesity, High-Fat Meals and Heart Disease Reinforced by New Study
ScienceDaily (Feb. 18, 2011) — The effect of a high-fat meal on blood vessel walls can vary among individuals depending on factors such as their waist size and triglyceride levels, suggests new research at UC Davis.

The new research reinforces the link between belly fat, inflammation and thickening of the arterial linings that can lead to heart disease and strokes.

Triglycerides are types of fat molecules, commonly associated with "bad cholesterol," known to increase risk of inflammation of the endothelium, the layer of cells that lines arteries.

"The new study shows that eating a common fast food meal can affect inflammatory responses in the blood vessels," said Anthony Passerini, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at UC Davis, who led the project.

"Our techniques allowed us to measure the inflammatory potential of an individual's lipids outside of the body and to correlate that with easily measured characteristics that could be used to help better understand a person's risk for vascular disease," Passerini said.

Passerini collaborated with Scott Simon, professor of biomedical engineering at UC Davis, to develop cell culture models to mimic the properties of blood vessels. They wanted to learn how triglyceride levels can cause endothelial inflammation, and find a way to assess an individual's inflammatory potential.

They recruited 61 volunteers with high and normal fasting triglyceride levels and a range of waist sizes, then measured levels of triglyceride particles in their blood after they ate a typical fast food breakfast from a major fast food franchise: two breakfast sandwiches, hash browns and orange juice.

Passerini's team found that after eating the high-fat meal, the size of a type of a particle called triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TGRL) varied directly with the individual's waist size and preexisting blood triglyceride level. These particles can bind to the endothelium, triggering inflammation and an immune response that brings white blood cells to repair the damage. Over time, this leads to atherosclerosis.

The researchers tested whether TGRL particles from the volunteers' blood could cause cultured endothelial cells in the laboratory to express markers for inflammation.

There was a mixed response: individuals with both a waist size over 32 inches (not terribly large by most standards) and high triglyceride levels had large lipoprotein particles that bound easily to the endothelial cells and caused inflammation in response to an immune chemical "trigger."

The TGRLs only caused inflammation when exposed to this immune molecule, which suggests that people with existing low-grade inflammation may be more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction related to triglyceride "spikes" that occur after eating high-fat meals, Passerini said.

In people who are predisposed, repeated episodes of inflammation could lead to atherosclerosis. Passerini's lab is continuing to investigate how abdominal obesity, high triglyceride levels and inflammation can lead to atherosclerosis.

The findings are published online in the American Journal of Physiology -- Heart and Circulatory Physiology. The other authors of the paper, all at the UC Davis Department of Biomedical Engineering, are: graduate student Ying Wang, staff researcher John Schulze, clinical coordinator Nadine Raymond, and undergraduates Tyler Tomita and Kayan Tam. The work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and a fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to Wang. 【medical-news】肥胖与肿瘤之间的关系 - 医药生命科学动态跟...发表时间:2010-2-7回帖数:3肥胖是众所周知的对人体危险的因素,人们大多数知道肥胖与心血管疾病有关,但最近在阅读动态版时,发现肥胖与恶性肿瘤之间也存在一定的关系,特别是最近一些文章显示肥胖可促进...www.ruanjian520.com/thread-... - 2010-02-07-快照-【medical-news】肥胖与肿瘤之间的关系 - 医药生命科学动态跟..." 【medical-news】Moderate Drinking Guards the Heart - 医药生...发表时间:2010-2-9回帖数:7thursday, nov. 19 (healthday news) -- a spanish study has found that long-term ... 指的是大家观察到法国的心血管疾病(conoary heart disease)出奇的低,而法国在饮食上脂肪的...www.ruanjian520.com/thread-... - 2010-02-09-快照-【medical-news】Moderate Drinking Guards the Heart - 医药生..." 染色体 | 生命奥秘不过这种人工合成生命技术也引发了各种科学及社会争议,这次引发的大讨论要比当时对基... http://www.physorg.com/news186327580.html 生物学家发现细菌生物钟控制细胞分裂的...www.lifeomics.com/...d=2&s=染色体-2010-07-28-快照-生命奥秘"[标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-20 00:03