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nature 10.28————更危险的环境,更长的寿命和

Classical theories1,2 for the evolution of senescence predict that
organisms that experience low mortality rates attributable to
external factors, such as disease or predation, will evolve a later
onset of senescence. Here we use patterns of senescence in
guppies derived from natural populations that differ in mortality
risk to evaluate the generality of these predictions. We have
previously found that populations experiencing higher mortality
rates evolve earlier maturity and invest more in reproduction, as
predicted by evolutionary theory3. We report here that these
same populations do not have an earlier onset of senescence with
respect to either mortality or reproduction but do with respect to
swimming performance, which assesses neuromuscular function.
This mosaic pattern of senescence challenges the generality
of the association between decreased extrinsic mortality and
delayed senescence and invites consideration of more derived
theories for the evolution of senescence.

http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v431/n7012/full/nature02936_fs.html&content_filetype=pdf 是否是说这里发现 老化的早晚也取决于神经肌肉活力。更危险,反而更需要神经肌肉活力更强,老化越晚。并且如同以前认为的,危险导致繁殖率更高?
--比较笨的问题。不要笑我 [标签:content1][标签:content2]



【Nature Methods编译】细胞


应激性疾病(1)— 内环

作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-10-19 17:52