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Another piece of the Parkinson's disease puzzle
Researchers say that a process involved with the recycling of a cell’s content plays a direct role in the health and survival of important neurons, researchers report in the Jan. 2 issue of Science. This discovery may lead to a better understanding, and possibly improved treatment, of Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. In a process called chaperone-mediated autophagy, or “CMA,” a cellular escort delivers specific proteins to the lysosomes, which break down and recycle the protein’s contents for the cell. Qian Yang and colleagues used transgenic and knockout mice, along with human brain tissue, to observe that CMA targets a particular transcription factor, MEF2D, for degradation. Since this MEF2D transcription factor has already been associated with the survival of several types of neurons, the researchers suggest that CMA is directly linked to the nuclear survival machinery in these neurons. They also observed that alpha-synuclein, a protein implicated in the onset of Parkinson’s disease, helps to facilitate the CMA of MEF2D, which indicates this pathway could be a possible target for the treatment of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

据1月2日的《科学》杂志报道说,一种涉及某个细胞内容物的循环使用的过程对重要神经元的健康与存活有着直接的作用。这一发现可能会使人们更好地理解巴金森氏病和其它的神经退行性疾病,并可能改善对其的治疗。在一个被称作伴护介导自噬(或称“ CMA”)的过程中,一种细胞内的伴护物质会将某一特殊的蛋白质递交给溶酶体,而溶酶体则会在细胞内将该蛋白质的内容物分解并进行再循环。 Qian Yang及其同僚应用转基因和基因敲除的小鼠以及人类的脑组织来观察 CMA。他们发现 CMA是以将某个特别的转录因子 MEF2D作为标靶来进行降解的。由于这个 MEF2D转录因子已经被发现与数种类型的神经元的存活有关,因此研究人员提出, CMA在这些神经元中与细胞核存活的细胞器有着直接的关联。他们还观察到, α-突触核蛋白(这是一种被认为与帕金森氏病的起病有关的蛋白)对 MEF2D的 CMA的易化具有帮助,这表明该通路将是一种治疗巴金森氏病及其它神经退行性疾病的可能的标靶。 正在看这部分内容,呵呵,全文连接如下:
好好看看去。呵呵 看了这个帖子,专门去读了这篇文章。之前对MEF2D没有了解。看Science的文章还是需要下一些功夫的。虽然我不做转录因子的研究,但通读了全文包括supproting materials后,觉得收获了不少。Science的这样一个report,工作量也是相当大的。作者验证一个问题,非常全面,实验设计的层层深入,抽丝剥茧,让你读后大感过瘾,故事讲得非常有层次。我想多读读这样的文章,对自己的实验设计思路都是有提高的。要多学习这种高档次文章对一个问题论证的角度、方法和思路。

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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-08-12 05:29