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权当娱乐 希望是名副其实。

我认为幽门螺杆菌的那次不太严谨。 IPS细胞领域可能会有 同意IPS的可能性最大 IPS不可能,时间太短 干细胞怎么样? 看来大家嗅觉都很灵敏。 大胆的预测下,能否有中国的份!? 基于WOS的分析 我个人预测如下

toll-like receptor或microRNA 同意楼上的观点


meta-analysis 也不是没有可能

我堵一把这个 可能有中国人,但不是科技人才! 日本科学家可能因为发现降血脂药而获奖?

The big gongs of the medical world are beginning to sound for Akira Endo, the Japanese scientist who discovered the first cholesterol-lowering statin back in 1973.

On Friday, he picked up a Lasker Award for clinical medical research. The awards, sometimes called the “American Nobel,” and carry a $300,000 honorarium this year. That means we’ll have to update our profile of Endo from a few years back, where we said that he never earned a penny from the discovery that has affected tens of millions of lives. The statin class includes Pfizer’s Lipitor, Merck’s Zocor and AstraZeneca’s Crestor (the last of which was also discovered in Japan).

Endo paid a visit to the Health Blog during his visit to New York this week, and reminded us that he discovered the first statin by examining the products of fungi. He found a potent inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis in a blue-green mold isolated from the rice of a Kyoto vendor.

Endo said he believes many more treatments for a range of diseases may be found in such natural products, rather than in the machine-created chemicals beloved of the pharmaceutical industry, and he speculated that a cancer treatment might be lurking in the fungi of the Health Blog’s smelly feet.

At the Lasker luncheon Friday, Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Goldstein cited Endo’s cryptic remark to the WSJ three years ago that he wasn’t taking a statin, despite high cholesterol, because “the indigo dyer wears white trousers.” In the accompanying video, Endo offers a more straightforward explanation, saying he was trying to lower his cholesterol through exercise at the time, but eventually found it wasn’t enough. microRNA 这方面可能哦 60% of Nobel Laurents were came from Lasker Award winner who awarded in previous 4-6 years.
zues wrote:
60% of Nobel Laurents were came from Lasker Award winner who awarded in previous 4-6 years.
第一个向牛奶中加三聚氰胺的人可能有机会 真希望有个中国人获奖! It does not make sense to make such guessing; you should concentrate on your work rather than wasting your time like this. In 1996, I had the correct guessing of the names of the two recipients, Rolf Zinkernagel and Peter Doherty at one hour before the official announcement. The speculation was based on the previous award of Lasker Prize. One can see that the guessing is easy and difficult. I pledge not to make such guessing again in my lifetime.
tianxiawudi2000 wrote:

zhuming123 wrote:
microRNA 这方面可能哦
microRNA 这方面可能哦 基因方面的几率很大,呵呵 我看好Willmut!! 酵母双杂交. 会不会是干细胞 我想线粒体细胞膜受体变化 与细胞调亡的研究可能比较大 IPS会得医学奖:Wisconsin的James Thomson, MIT的Rudalf Jaenicsh, and Yamanaka
化学奖会给epigenetics领域 如果有华人,也是外籍的。现在国内的科研水平,大家心里有数 hehe 转录组水平调节的文章吧 1.IPS,
3.MicroRNA bio-bar code by Mirkin 据说有中国人可能要得和平奖,但D和ZF很生气。 我貌似不太了解
继续关注吧 我推荐袁隆平获今年的Nobel和平浆 [标签:content1][标签:content2]




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-25 17:11