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Leonard DeRogatis, Ph.D.
I grew up in Wilmington, Delaware, in the 1940s and '50s. We didn't know much about sex in those days -- but in spite of all we didn't know, sex was a very popular topic, as you might imagine. One of the nice things about living in Wilmington then was that in three hours, you could get to either New York City or Washington, D.C. Now, the same trips take just 2 hours. Our knowledge of human sexuality is growing at an even faster pace.
When I'm not seeing patients, much of my work is focused on designing and conducting clinical trials of possible new medications that may prove effective for men and women with sexual dysfunctions, such as a man's inability to get or sustain an erection. As we learn more about what's considered "normal" in human sexual functioning, we are developing drugs that may help people express and experience their sexuality more fully, regardless of limitations traditionally associated with age, illness, medications, and surgery. The next few years should bring some exciting treatment innovations.
I can't tell you how important it is that both health professionals and the public be educated about sexual health and treatments. Human sexuality is one of the most misunderstood aspects of our life experience. That's why I hope you'll join me on this blog in a constructive interaction designed to achieve this important goal as we all become better educated and more knowledgeable about our sexuality. 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领 Hi! I'm Dr. Len DeRogatis. 大家好! 我是Len DeRogatis博士。I'm a clinical psychologist, which means I see patients, and I also direct the Johns Hopkins Center for Sexual Health and Medicine. 作为一个临床心理学家,这意味着我得为病人看病,同时我还领导着约翰•霍普金斯医院的性健康医疗中心。About 30 years ago, while I was chief psychologist at Hopkins, I was invited to join other faculty members who were establishing a sex clinic. 大约30年以前,霍普金斯医院的一些同事计划建立一个性临床中心,作为医院的首席心理学家,我收到邀请加盟。 I decided to sign on, and I've been involved with sexual health and medicine ever since in a variety of research and administrative roles.我决定加入,从此,我涉入了性健康和医疗领域,担任过各种不同的研究和管理岗位。
I grew up in Wilmington, Delaware, in the 1940s and '50s. 在20世纪的40年代和50年代,我在特拉华州的维尔明顿长大。We didn't know much about sex in those days -- but in spite of all we didn't know, sex was a very popular topic, as you might imagine. 那时我们对性所知不多,尽管如此,性却是一个很流行的话题,正如你所想像。One of the nice things about living in Wilmington then was that in three hours, you could get to either New York City or Washington, D.C. Now, the same trips take just 2 hours. 当时,生活在维尔明顿的一个好处是只需3个小时,就可以来到纽约市或华盛顿特区。当然,现在同样的旅途只需2小时。Our knowledge of human sexuality is growing at an even faster pace.而我们的性知识增长速度甚至比这还快。
When I'm not seeing patients, much of my work is focused on designing and conducting clinical trials of possible new medications that may prove effective for men and women with sexual dysfunctions, such as a man's inability to get or sustain an erection. 当我不在为病人看病时,大部分工作集中在为各种潜在的新治疗方法设计和实施各种临床试验,这些治疗方法可能会被证实对男女性功能障碍,如男子勃起不能或勃起不持久等有效。As we learn more about what's considered "normal" in human sexual functioning, we are developing drugs that may help people express and experience their sexuality more fully, regardless of limitations traditionally associated with age, illness, medications, and surgery. 随着我们对人类“正常”性功能的认识深入,我们正在开发能帮助人们更好地发生和体验性行为的药物,而不再受传统的年龄、疾病、治疗和手术等因素的限制。 The next few years should bring some exciting treatment innovations.今后的几年将会有新的激动人心的治疗方法出现。
I can't tell you how important it is that both health professionals and the public be educated about sexual health and treatments. 对于让保健专业人员和普通大众都接受性保健和治疗知识教育的重要性,我认为怎么强调都不过分。Human sexuality is one of the most misunderstood aspects of our life experience. 对于让保健专业人员和普通大众都接受性保健和治疗知识教育的重要性,我认为怎么强调都不过分。That's why I hope you'll join me on this blog in a constructive interaction designed to achieve this important goal as we all become better educated and more knowledgeable about our sexuality. 这也是我为什么希望大家参与到我这个博客中,共建互动,以达到这一重要目标,使所有人对人类的性接受教育更多,了解更多。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-24 17:12