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【Science】2009-1-9 science 要闻浏览
David Battisti及其同僚对来自 23个天气模型的结果对农业的蕴涵意义进行了考量,这些结果促使 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change在 2007年提出了 2050年至 2090年的夏季温度评估。他们报告说,到 21世纪末的时候,在热带和亚热带的耕种季节中,有极高的可能性会出现温度超过从 1900年至 2006年所记录到的最极端的季节性高温。文章的作者说,在温带地区,有记录的最炎热的季节将会在许多地方成为典型。
他们还谈及了最近 3次极端性的季节高温对食物系统造成危害的例子:2003年在法国的夏季高温,该事件对欧洲的食物生产以及对人类的生活都造成了影响; 1972年在前苏联的夏季气候反常,该事件是造成小麦物价飙高的主要原因;以及在萨赫勒地区(Sahel)的长达数十年的干旱,那里因为缺水和热应力造成作物和牲畜生产能力的骤降。
Science 9 January 2009:
Vol. 323. no. 5911, pp. 240 - 244
DOI: 10.1126/science.1164363
Historical Warnings of Future Food Insecurity with Unprecedented Seasonal Heat
David. S. Battisti 1 and Rosamond L. Naylor 2
Higher growing season temperatures can have dramatic impacts on agricultural productivity, farm incomes, and food security. We used observational data and output from 23 global climate models to show a high probability (>90%) that growing season temperatures in the tropics and subtropics by the end of the 21st century will exceed the most extreme seasonal temperatures recorded from 1900 to 2006. In temperate regions, the hottest seasons on record will represent the future norm in many locations. We used historical examples to illustrate the magnitude of damage to food systems caused by extreme seasonal heat and show that these short-run events could become long-term trends with out sufficient investments in adaptation.
我们是如何想的 Vs. 我们是如何行动的
最近的一个由 Kerry Kawakami及其同僚所作的一个社会学试验似乎也印证了这一看法。研究人员将人们预计的当他们目击某一种族歧视事件时他们会怎样想与他们在真的发生种族歧视的时候的实际反应进行了比较。他们的发现表明,种族歧视会持续存在,因为那些认为他们会在面对种族歧视的时候采取行动的人却可能在这种情况出现的时候实际上以漠然处之来应对。
研究人员承认,这些发现可以用许多方法来解读,他们甚至还提出了对他们试验结果的另类解释。但是,这些发现可以为人们对种族偏见会采取的实际反应提供重要的资讯,并有助于建立个人意识及使干预机构了解情况。一则由 Eliot Smith和 Diane Mackie所撰写的 Perspective对这些发现进行了更为详尽的讨论。
Science 9 January 2009:
Vol. 323. no. 5911, pp. 276 - 278
DOI: 10.1126/science.1164951
Mispredicting Affective and Behavioral Responses to Racism
Kerry Kawakami, 1 Elizabeth Dunn, 2 Francine Karmali, 1 John F. Dovidio 3
Contemporary race relations are marked by an apparent paradox: Overt prejudice is strongly condemned, yet acts of blatant racism still frequently occur. We propose that one reason for this inconsistency is that people misunderst and how they would feel and behave after witnessing racism . The present research demonstrates that although people predicted that they would be very upset by a racist act, when people actually experienced this event they showed relatively little emotional distress. Furthermore, people overestimated the degree to which a racist comment would provoke social rejection of the racist. These findings suggest that racism may persevere in part because people who anticipate feeling upset and believe that they will take action may actually respond with indifference when faced with an act of racism .
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-10-28 05:46