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【科普】韩国破译“超级病菌”结构 有助加速研

韩国破译“超级病菌”结构 有助加速研究药物治疗


“超级病菌”含有超级抗药基因“新德里金属蛋白酶-1”(NDM-1)。NDM-1基因的特殊基因结构使“超级病菌”可在同种甚至异种细菌之间 “轻松”复制。先前,研究人员多在大肠杆菌和肺炎克雷伯氏菌等细菌内发现NDM-1基因。含这种基因的细菌对几乎所有抗生素具有耐药力。


水晶基因制药公司为破译“超级病菌”物理结构申请了国际专利,同时将破译结果在美国“蛋白质数据银行”注册。下一步,水晶基因制药公司将寻找可破坏NDM-1基因结构的物质。 Biotech firm decodes antibiotic-resistant 'superbug' structure

A South Korean biotech company on Monday said it has succeeded in decoding the structure of a virulent antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a feat that could open new horizons for medical treatment.

Seoul-based Crystalgenomics Inc. said it has deciphered the physical structure of antibiotic-resistant carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, or new variant New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1), that poses serious human health threats.

NDM-1 is a "superbug" that cannot be easily killed by even the strongest antibiotics in existence and can lead to death. Infections usually affect seriously ill people who have weak immune systems.

The bacteria has been reported in 20 countries around the world including such places as India, Japan, the United States, Britain, Canada and South Korea.

Crystalgenomics said it has filed for an international patent for its discovery and registered the findings with U.S.-based Protein Data Bank.

The company said that since its researchers have been able to decode the bacteria, work can commence to develop a material that specifically targets the NDM-1.

It added that talks are under way with foreign pharmaceutical companies to develop a drug treatment. (Yonhap)
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-10 23:38