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Title:Deleterious effects of dihydrotestosterone on cerebral ischemic injury.

Author:Cheng J, Alkayed NJ, Hurn PD.

Resource: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2007 Feb 21; [Epub ahead of print]

Abstract:Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental
models. Male animals display greater sensitivity to ischemic injury than do
their female counterparts; however, the underlying mechanism is unclear. The
present study determined if the potent and nonaromatizable androgen,
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), exacerbates ischemic damage in the male rat and
alters postischemic gene expression after middle cerebral artery occlusion. At
22 h reperfusion, removal of androgens by castration provided protection from
ischemic injury in both cortex and striatum (2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride
(TTC) histology), whereas DHT replacement (50 mg subcutaneous implant) restored
infarction volume to that of the intact male; testosterone (50 mg) had similar
but less potent effects. We utilized microarray and real-time quantitative
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify genes differentially expressed at 6
h reperfusion in periinfarct cortex from castrated rats with or without DHT
replacement. We identify, for the first time, a number of gene candidates that
are induced by DHT with or without ischemia, many of which could account for
cell death through enhanced inflammation, dysregulation of blood-brain barrier
and the extracellular matrix, apoptosis, and ionic imbalance. Our data suggest
that androgens are important mediators of ischemic damage in male brain and that
transcriptional mechanisms should be considered as we seek to understand innate
male sensitivity to cerebral ischemia.

PMID: 17311081 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领 第一次参加翻译活动,本以为不会太难,事实却是高估了自己不由得对长期活跃在这个版块的各位大侠产生了由衷的敬意把拙作贴在这里,希望高手们不吝赐教,批评指正,帮助俺提高,在此谢过先 双氢睾酮对缺血性脑损伤的毒性作用

Cheng J等人新近发表在《脑血流及代谢杂志》上的一项研究结果提示:双氢睾酮对缺血性脑损伤具有毒性作用,雄激素是脑产生缺血性损伤的重要介质(2007年2月份网络版)。

脑缺血结局在许多实验模型中表现出了性别差异。雄性动物比它们的雌性同类对于缺血性损伤表现出了更大的敏感性;然而这种现象的根本机制仍属未知。新近研究对双氢睾酮这一有效的未芳香化的雄激素是否会加剧雄性大鼠的缺血损伤,及是否会改变大脑中动脉闭塞后的缺血后基因表达进行了研究。再灌注22小时时,通过阉割来去除雄激素对皮层和新纹状体的缺血性损伤都产生了保护作用(氯化三苯四唑组织学),然而以双氢睾酮替代(50毫克皮下植入)对于完好的雄性动物也产生了同样的梗死面积;睾酮(50毫克)有着相似但更弱的效应。我们利用微点阵和实时定量PCR方法在再灌注6小时时,对进行/未进行DHT替代的阉割大鼠梗死周围皮层的基因差异表达进行了鉴定。我们首次发现,许多候选基因在有无缺血时都由DHT诱导,这其中的许多基因能够解释通过增加炎症、血脑屏障和细胞外基质失调、凋亡和离子失衡等原因产生的细胞死亡。我们的资料表明,雄激素在雄性动物脑中是缺血性损伤的重要介质,其转录机制有可能被认为是我们试图理解的雄性动物对脑缺血的先天敏感性。 感谢慎独的翻译!

在神经外科专业,有一些较为奇怪的现象,比如女性比男性在受到同样头部创伤的情况下,预后要比男性好。原因还不明确,对于雌激素和孕激素的脑保护作用已经被研究了20多年,目前仍存争议。但对于雄激素的神经损伤作用,研究不多,这也是选择这个文章的原因。 谢谢LZ的补充,让我对文章有了更进一步的理解^_^ [标签:content1][标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-04-19 17:11