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Published: Wednesday, 6-Aug-2008
A Brunel University researcher suggests that chemicals in household cleaning products explains why excessive hygiene is linked to increased asthma and allergies.
Women who use a lot of household cleaning products when they are pregnant, or shortly after giving birth, are increasing their child's risk of developing asthma. That's according to the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents of Children (ALSPAC, also known as Children of the Nineties), that recruited over 13,000 children from before birth and has followed them to post 16.
The findings indicated that early life exposure to the chemicals contained in household cleaning products was linked to a 41% increase in a child's chances of developing asthma by the age of 7 years. During the study, a large number of other factors known to affect the onset of asthma, such as family history, were accounted for. The results thus present a possible mechanism for the 'hygiene hypothesis', which suggests that children brought up with low exposure to bacteria and dust in the home in their early years are less likely to build an immunity to asthma later in life.
Dr. Alexandra Farrow, Reader at Brunel University's School of Health Sciences and Social Care and a member of the ALSPAC research team, explains: "Previous research has shown that a child's risk of developing asthma is lower if he or she is exposed to bacteria or bacterial products (endotoxins) in early life ('hygiene hypothesis'), probably because it assists in the development of a child's immune system. However, our research suggests that one possible mechanism for this hypothesis may involve the chemicals found in domestic cleaning products. These chemicals have been linked to increased risk of asthma with additional evidence from studies of workers who have exposure to cleaning chemicals".
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Use of cleaning products during pregnancy increases risk of asthma in offspring
Published: Wednesday, 6-Aug-2008
A Brunel University researcher suggests that chemicals in household cleaning products explains why excessive hygiene is linked to increased asthma and allergies.
Women who use a lot of household cleaning products when they are pregnant, or shortly after giving birth, are increasing their child's risk of developing asthma. That's according to the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents of Children (ALSPAC, also known as Children of the Nineties), that recruited over 13,000 children from before birth and has followed them to post 16.
The findings indicated that early life exposure to the chemicals contained in household cleaning products was linked to a 41% increase in a child's chances of developing asthma by the age of 7 years. During the study, a large number of other factors known to affect the onset of asthma, such as family history, were accounted for. The results thus present a possible mechanism for the 'hygiene hypothesis', which suggests that children brought up with low exposure to bacteria and dust in the home in their early years are less likely to build an immunity to asthma later in life.
Dr. Alexandra Farrow, Reader at Brunel University's School of Health Sciences and Social Care and a member of the ALSPAC research team, explains: "Previous research has shown that a child's risk of developing asthma is lower if he or she is exposed to bacteria or bacterial products (endotoxins) in early life ('hygiene hypothesis'), probably because it assists in the development of a child's immune system. However, our research suggests that one possible mechanism for this hypothesis may involve the chemicals found in domestic cleaning products. These chemicals have been linked to increased risk of asthma with additional evidence from studies of workers who have exposure to cleaning chemicals".
ALSPAC研究小组成员之一,布鲁内尔大学健康科学和社会保健学院的高级讲师Alexandra Farrow博士解释说:“之前的研究业已证明,如果孩子早期接触一些细菌或细菌产物(内毒素),其罹患哮喘的风险就越低(‘卫生假说’),这可能是因为接触细菌对儿童免疫系统的建立有辅助作用。不过,我们的研究说明了该假说的另一种机制,即哮喘风险可能与家用清洁剂所含的化学成分有关。对接触清洁剂化学品工人进行的研究也说明,这些化学成分会增加罹患哮喘的风险。”
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-05-06 17:14