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Development of an inducible suicide gene system based on human caspase 8
Cancer Gene Therapy advance online publication 4 March 2005;
Suicide gene-therapy strategies are promising approaches in treating various diseases such as cancers, atherosclerosis, and graft-versus-host-disease. Here, we describe the development of a new effector gene based on inducing functional caspase 8, the initiator caspase in the death-receptor pathway. We constructed vectors encoding a constitutively active form of human caspase 8 (CC8), and demonstrated the efficient killing of a variety of cell types in transfection and lentivirus-transduction assays. We then analyzed the ability to control the apoptotic activity of a caspase 8-derived construct through the ARIADÔ homodimerization system (FKC8), a system shown to be extremely effective in several cellular models upon retroviral and lentiviral gene transfer. Similarly, two transcription-regulation systems, muristerone-regulated and Tet-On, were tested to control the expression of CC8. The homodimerization-regulated system FKC8 was shown to be the most efficient system with low background activity in noninduced conditions. In the presence of a dimerizer, it was as active as the activated Tet-On system. From our data, we conclude that the dimerizer-dependent human caspase 8 represents a highly inducible and very powerful system to eradicate transduced cell populations. In addition to its application in experimental gene therapy, this variant may be highly useful for mechanistic research related to apoptosis.
注:Saitoh等选择了一个用四环素(tetracycline,Tet)衍生物来控制转基因产物表达量的方法,即将注射强力霉素后诱导的一个启动子结合到POMC基因上,此称之为Tet-on基因表达系统。 qq6108 站友辛苦,感谢一如既往的对于国外期刊的编译工作! 也感谢丁香园给我提供了锻炼自己的专业英语翻译的机会,同时学习专业知识,并和大家共同学习。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-23 05:14