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Author: Shiras A, Chettiar S, Shepal V, Rajendran G, Prasad R, Shastry P
Resource: Stem Cells. 2007 Mar 1; [Epub ahead of print]
2005 IF: 6.094
Abstract: The presence of a CD133+/nestin+ population in brain tumors suggests that a normal Neural stem cell (NSC) may be the cell of origin for gliomas. We have identified human CD133 positive NSCs from adult glioma tissue and established them as long term in vitro cultures HNGC-1 (Human Neuro Glial Culture). Replicative senescence in HNGC-1 led to high level of genomic instability and emergence of a spontaneously immortalized clone that developed into a cell-line HNGC-2 with features of cancer stem cells (CSCs) that includes ability for self-renewal, capacity to form CD133 positive Neurospheres and develop intracranial tumors. The data from our study specifies an important role of genomic instability in initiation of transformed state as well as its progression in to highly tumorigenic CSCs. The activated froms of Notch and Hes isoforms were expressed in both non-neoplastic neural stem cells and brain tumor stem cells derived from it. Importantly, a significant over-expression of these molecules were found in the brain tumor stem cells. These findings suggest that this model comprising of HNGC-1 and HNGC-2 cells would be a useful system for studying pathways involved in self-renewal of stem cells and their transformation to cancer stem cells.
PMID: 17332509
欢迎大家踊跃认领! 这篇文章没有同志们感兴趣吗?
希望大家支持工作哦! 题目:一个人神经胶质瘤模型中基因组的不稳定驱使成体非致瘤性干细胞发生自发性转化为肿瘤干细胞
作者:Shiras A, Chettiar S, Shepal V, Rajendran G, Prasad R, Shastry P
2005年影响因子: 6.094
摘要:脑肿瘤中CD133+/nestin+亚群细胞的存在说明正常神经干细胞(NSC)可能是神经胶质瘤的起源。我们从成体神经胶质瘤组织中分离到了CD133阳性的NSCs,并且在体外长期培养得到了HNGC-1 (Human Neuro Glial Culture)。HNGC-1的复制性老化导致了高水平的基因组不稳定,并且出现了自发性的永生化克隆。从这个克隆发展成的细胞系HNGC-2系具有肿瘤干细胞的特征,包括自我更新、形成CD133阳性的神经球以及形成颅内肿瘤的能力。我们的结果说明基因组的不稳定在转化状态的起始阶段以及进行性发展成为高致癌性CSCs的过程中发挥了重要的作用。活化的Notch和Hes亚型在非恶性神经干细胞和脑肿瘤干细胞中均有表达。但重要的是,脑肿瘤干细胞中这些分子呈现显著的过表达。这些发现提示包含HNGC-1和HNGC-2细胞的的模型可以成为研究干细胞自我更新能力以及肿瘤干细胞演变过程中相关途径的良好模型。 发布了这么久都没有人来认领,真是伤心啊!
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-11-05 17:11