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Magnesium-rich foods ward off stroke in smokers

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Diets rich magnesium, found in whole grains and vegetables, could help reduce stroke risk in smokers, researchers reported on Monday.

Their study of 26,000 male smokers in Finland found that those whose diets were high in magnesium had a significantly lower risk of one type of stroke.

While the mechanism is not clear, it may be that magnesium helps reduce high blood pressure, which can lead to stroke if untreated.

Susanna Larsson and colleagues at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, said the stroke finding was an offshoot of a study whose main purpose was to look at possible lung cancer therapies.

Cigarette smoking is strongly linked to stroke and it is the leading cause of heart disease and cancer.

The study of 26,556 Finnish men followed for more than 13 years found that those who consumed an average of 589 milligrams of magnesium each day in their diets had a 15 percent lower risk for cerebral infarction -- a stroke that occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked -- than those who consumed less magnesium.

The effect was stronger for men younger than 60 and the study also found that calcium, potassium and sodium intake were not associated with risk for any type of stroke, the researchers reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

They said it remains to be seen if taking magnesium dietary supplements would produce the same result.

"In addition to lowering blood pressure, magnesium may influence cholesterol concentrations or the body's use of insulin to turn glucose into energy. Either of these mechanisms would affect the risk for cerebral infarction but not hemorrhage (the cause of other types of strokes)," Larsson's team wrote.

screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=500 height=341 title="Click to view full 4cc99a130104x0tx.jpg (500 X 341)" border=0 align=absmiddle> 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 富镁食物能降低吸烟者卒中的风险

瑞典斯德哥尔摩Karolinska 研究所的Susanna Larsson及其同事报道:该发现只是该研究的一个分支,该研究主要目的是观察可能适合肺癌治疗的方法。吸烟与卒中有很强的关联性,吸烟也是心脏疾病及癌症的主要原因。研究共有26556名芬兰男性参与,随访超过13年后发现那些饮食中镁日摄入超过 589 mg的人群较摄入低于 589 mg的人群脑梗塞风险降低15%。脑梗塞—指脑血流被阻断引起后引起的卒中的一种。

研究者在the Archives of Internal Medicine报道:在小于60岁的男性人群中这种效应更强;钙、钾、钠摄入与任何一种卒中的风险都没有关系。但是摄入镁营养补充剂是否有相同的结果这仍有待观察。
Larsson's等 也指出:除了降低血压外,镁还可以影响胆固醇浓度以及机体使用胰岛素将血糖转化成能量,这些机制可能影响脑梗塞的风险但对出血性无效(其它类型卒中的病因)。 拜托,你不会就看一下别人怎么翻译的,格式也太随便了 我觉得这样子很好,一句一句的翻译对照,看了都烦,我们又不是来学e文的 不错的翻译吗! 翻译的很流畅,vbvghhjk何必拘泥于形式? 前沿。。。 很通俗易懂,好! 我是一名吸烟的医生。谢谢你的文章,也许我可以多活几年了


【J Vasc Surg】IL-1受体拮抗

作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-24 17:11