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Title:Randomized double-blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of lamotrigine and amitriptyline in painful diabetic neuropathy.

Author:Jose VM, Bhansali A, Hota D, Pandhi P.

Resource: Diabet Med. 2007 Feb 28; [Epub ahead of print]

Abstract:Aims To compare the efficacy and safety of lamotrigine and amitriptyline in controlling chronic painful peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Methods A randomized, double-blind, crossover, active-control, clinical trial with variable dose titration was carried out (n = 53). Amitriptyline orally, at doses of 10, 25 and 50 mg at night-time, each dose for 2 weeks, and lamotrigine orally, at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg twice daily, each dose for 2 weeks, by optional titration were used. There was a placebo washout period for 2 weeks between the two drugs. Assessment for pain relief, overall improvement and adverse events were carried out. Results Good, moderate and mild pain relief were noted in 19 (41%), six (13%) and seven (15%) patients on lamotrigine and 13 (28%), five (11%) and 15 (33%) patients on amitriptyline, respectively, by patient's global assessment of efficacy and safety. Patient and physicians global assessment, McGill pain questionnaire and Likert pain scale showed no significant difference between the treatments, although improvement with both treatments was seen from 2 weeks. Of the 44 adverse events reported, 33 (75%) were with amitriptyline, sedation being the commonest [in 19 (43%) patients]. Lamotrigine caused adverse events in 11 (25%), of which rash in three (7%) and elevations of creatinine in four (9%) were the most common. The preferred lamotrigine dose was 25 mg twice daily. Conclusions As there are few differences between the two treatments in efficacy, lamotrigine 25 mg twice daily might be the first choice as it is associated with fewer adverse effects in our population. Diabet. Med. (2007).

PMID: 17335465 Translated text: paragraph by paragraph

Title:Randomized double-blind study comparing the efficacy and safety of lamotrigine and amitriptyline in painful diabetic neuropathy.
题目:比较拉莫三嗪与阿米替林治疗疼痛性糖尿病神经病变有效性和安全性的随机双盲研究 请试着将其改为新闻稿格式,稍微改换一下形式,不是直译,而是稍微变一下,成报道的形式,比如第一段是总的报道,研究者,单位,结论等等。


最近,科学家们又发现超过100种致癌的新基因。这项国际性的研究名为癌症基因组计划,研究发现的致癌基因数量远远超过人们的想象。这一结果发表在3月8日的《自然》上。(Nature, 2007; 446:153)

英国剑桥圣格研究院的癌症基因组的领导人之一Michael Stratton表示,新癌基因的数量远远超过了他们的预料。癌症基因组计划的科学家们研究了518个蛋白激酶基因外显子序列。这些蛋白激酶与细胞的生长、增殖、分化有关。其中有一部分基因已被证实与癌症相关。科学家们还对210种不同类型的癌症细胞进行研究分析,试图寻找只在这些癌细胞表达而不表达于非癌症细胞的基因突变。他们发现了1000多个癌特异性的基因突变,其中的120多个为“启动”基因,这些基因能引发癌细胞的疯狂生长。
Stratton还表示,该发现给已有的癌基因库添加了数目庞大的队伍,而且数量还会不断增多。 治疗疼痛性糖尿病周围神经病变可首选拉莫三嗪

疼痛性糖尿病周围神经病变是一种常见的糖尿病神经系统并发症,人类一直都在寻求安全有效的治疗方法,最近印度昌迪加尔医学教育与研究研究生院内分泌和药学部的Jose 等人公布了他们一项随机、双盲、交叉、主动控制性临床试验的研究结果。这项研究纳入了53例疼痛性糖尿病周围神经病变患者,作者分别比较了先后服用不同剂量的拉莫三嗪和阿米替林后,疼痛的缓解,总体的改善情况以及药物不良事件。结果表明这两种药物在疗效上相当,但拉莫三嗪相对副作用较少,其最佳剂量是口服,一日两次,每次25mg。提示治疗疼痛性糖尿病周围神经病变可首选拉莫三嗪。这项结果发表在2007年2月份的糖尿病医学上(Diabet Med. 2007 Feb 28)。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]




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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-05-28 05:11