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【drug-news】糖尿病药, 便宜的老药好使!

糖尿病药, 便宜的老药好使!

July 16, 2007, 5:21 pm
For Diabetes Drugs, Old and Cheap Are Good
Posted by Jacob Goldstein

Old, cheap diabetes drugs — especially a generic called metformin — are as good as or better than newer, more expensive drugs at lowering blood sugar. And for the most part the older drugs don’t carry more serious side effects than the newer ones, according to a review of more than 200 studies. The analysis, funded by the federal government, looked at oral medicines given to patients with type-2 diabetes.

The finding, published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, is consistent with recommendations from the American Diabetes Association and other groups that call for starting patients on metformin before trying other drugs. When metformin alone doesn’t work, it’s often prescribed in combination with other medicines.

Metformin, also sold under the brand name Glucophage, costs about $100 per year, and “looks to be the safest” of the drugs, the study’s lead author told the Associated Press. But it does carry a rare side effect called lactic acidosis, and isn’t recommended for patients with heart failure or moderate kidney disease.

Also reviewed in the study was an old class of drugs called sulfonylureas and several newer classes, including TZDs, the class that includes GlaxoSmithKline’s Avandia.

Avandia Bonus: The FDA is waiving conflict-of-interest rules to allow several physicians to sit on an advisory committee meeting later this month, Bloomberg reports. The committee will discuss the possible heart-attack risk associated with Avandia, and could recommend anything from waiting for more data to removing the drug from the market. Many top academic physicians have financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA often waives conflict of interest rules for its advisory committees. But the practice has been attacked by some who claim that the agency is too cozy with the drug industry. 认领翻译!如未能在24小时内提交,请其它战友认领。 翻译完,请大家帮忙纠错 ianm功底不错! 以下个人意见,仅供参考:

1. especially a generic called metformin 特别是最普通的二甲双胍
此处generic为名词,意为 a drug which is sold without a brand name or trademark. 我人比较笨,请anmb1看看如下修改如何:

And for the most part the older drugs don’t carry more serious side effects than the newer ones, according to a review of more than 200 studies. .


根据综述评价200多项临床试验的数据, 作者认为在多数情况下,老药出现很严重的副作用要比新药少 [标签:content1][标签:content2]




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-31 17:11