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A (Partial) Comeback for Drug-Coated Stents
Posted by Jacob Goldstein
stentThe safety scare over drug-coated stents may be passing, but they still don’t rule the market quite the way they used to.
Some 73% of stents implanted in the U.S. last month were drug-coated models, up from a low of 62% in December, the WSJ reports. But that’s still down from the 88% share they held two years ago. The figures come from surveys of 60 U.S. hospitals conducted by Goodroe Data Warehouse.
Drug-coated stents reduce the risk that an artery, once opened, will re-clog. But data emerged a few years back suggesting drug-coated stents may also carry a slightly greater risk of causing health problems long after being implanted.
“People initially had a wave of shock” over the safety concerns, William O’Neill, a cardiologist at the University of Miami medical school told the WSJ. “Since then, I think there’s been a more sober appraisal, and the final reality’s coming out.”
J&J said yesterday that its drug-coated stent sales were down in the second quarter, versus the year-earlier period. That’s due at least in part to lower prices and more competition.
Medtronic recently introduced a new competitor to the market, and one from Abbott was recently approved by the FDA. The price of the J&J’s drug-coated stents (far more expensive than bare metal) fell by about 11% during the quarter, according to a Thomson Reuters transcript of yesterday’s earnings conference call. [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-27 17:11