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Anti-cervical cancer vaccine offers hope of preventing other types of cancer, expert says
The Associated Press
Published: September 10, 2006
MACTAN, Philippines
A new vaccine that can prevent 70 percent of cervical cancer offers hope of stopping other forms of the disease, a leading expert said.
Ian Frazer — one of the experts who worked on the human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine — said an estimated 10 percent of all cancers are believed caused by high-risk types of HPV that the vaccine attacks.
HPV is believed to cause about 50 percent of cancers in the genital track skin — from the anus to the cervix in women and penis in men — and significantly contribute to cancers of the throat, tonsils and mouth, Frazer said Saturday.
These types of cancers aren't as deadly as cervical cancer, develop in later years, and have multiple causes.
"The best estimate at the moment is 10 percent of all cancer is caused by high-risk human papillomavirus, so that's a very major part of the cancer burden," Frazer said in an interview. "So the ultimate test for the other cancers will be if the vaccine prevents them."
Gardasil, the first vaccine against cervical cancer, is considered to be highly effective against four types of the human papillomavirus, including two that cause about 70 percent of cervical cancers.
In June, the U.S. government approved a series of three shots of Gardasil for females aged 9 to 26. The shots, to be given over a six-month period, cost US$360 (?284).
Cervical cancer deaths in the United States are estimated at 3,700 in 2006.
Merck & Co. already markets Gardasil in seven countries including the U.S., Canada and Australia, while GlaxoSmithKline has developed a second candidate HPV vaccine.
Frazer, also director for the Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at the University of Queensland in Australia, attended the 2nd Asia-Oceania Research Organization in Genital Infection and Neoplasia (AOGIN) conference over the weekend at the central Philippine island of Mactan. 专家表示抗子宫癌的疫苗给预防其它类癌症带来希望
Mactan Philippines
专家表示一种新的可以预防70%子宫癌的疫苗给阻止其它类疾病带来希望。研究人类淋瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的一位专家,lan Frazer于周六表示,大约10%的癌症是由疫苗针对的几种高危险的HPV导致的。HPV被认为可以导致50%的生殖道癌症―女性于从肛门到子宫,男性于阴茎-并且导致很大一部分的咽喉,扁桃体及口腔类癌症。这一类癌症不像子宫癌那么致命,多发于中老年人,而且有多种病因。
“现在最好的估计是所有癌症中10%是由于高危险的HPV引起的,这占了癌症负担的相当大一部分,” Frazer在一次采访中表示,“所以根本上要测试这种疫苗是不是也对其它癌症有效。”
作为澳大利亚昆士兰州大学免疫及癌症研究中心主任的Frazer参加了周末在菲律宾中部Mactan岛举办的第二届亚太科研组织生殖道感染及肿瘤会议。 cervical cancer应该翻译成子宫颈癌而不是子宫癌! 谢谢您的帮助 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-14 18:23