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The Cancel Chinese Traditional Medicine Debate

Recently, someone has been collecting signatures online to see Chinese Traditional Medicine done away with. Some netizens think that, “Chinese Traditional Medicine is a hotchpotch of philosophy, metaphysics, superstition, folk healing, and witchcraft.” The petition has received a lot of response, including that from many medical and health workers. Signees demand the respective departments take measures to have Chinese Traditional Medicine removed from the national healthcare system within five years, let it return to folklore and make Western medicine the country’s sole medical technology. On October 10 the Health Department news spokesperson made a special emphasis that this kind of petitioning behavior is ignorant of history, and ignorant to the reality of the important effects exhibited by Chinese Traditional Medicine and that the Health Department will persist in opposing this kind of speech and action. ‘China will never do away with Chinese Traditional Medicine, and won’t see it removed from the national healthcare system.’ The Cancel Chinese Traditional Medicine Debate


近来,在网上有人正在征集取消中医的签名,有网友认为:”中医是一个包含了哲学、玄学、迷信、民间医术和巫术的大杂烩。”签名得到不少人响应,而且很多人是医卫工作者。签名者要求有关部门采取措施,让中医在5年内退出国家医疗体制,回归民间,使西医成为国家惟一的医疗技术。 10月10日卫生部新闻发言人特别对此表示,这样的签名行为,是对历史的无知,也是对现实中中医药所发挥的重要作用的无知,卫生部坚决反对这样的言论和做法。我国不可能取消中医,也不会让其退出国家医疗体制 出处
yunxiang wrote:


Nature Medicine 2003 年题录-

作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-04-09 17:11