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Hormone therapy ups breast cancer recurrence risk: study 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 不好意思,这两天有点忙,文章领了无法翻译 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Hormone therapy ups breast cancer recurrence risk: study

By Michael Kahn

LONDON (Reuters) - Hormone replacement therapy, which is known to increase the risk of breast cancer, also appears to make it more likely a tumor will return in women who have had the disease, researchers said on Tuesday.伦敦(路透社)-众所周知,激素替代疗法可以增加患乳腺癌的危险性。研究人员周二说,激素替代疗法好像还会使已患乳腺癌的患者更易复发。
Women who had earlier had breast cancer were 14 percent more likely to get it again if they used hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, researchers said in the U.S. Journal of the National Cancer Institute.早期患乳腺癌的女性,如果使用替代疗法,或HRT,则有超过14%的人容易再发,研究人员在美国《全国癌症协会杂志》说。

"The results ... indicate a substantial risk for a new breast cancer event among breast cancer survivors using hormone-replacement therapy," wrote researcher Lars Holmberg and colleagues at Kings College London.“结果显示,应用激素替代疗法的乳腺癌幸存者中,有发展成新乳腺癌事件的巨大危险”,研究人员Lars Holmberg和他的同事在伦敦帝国大学说。

They followed for four years or longer 442 mostly Scandinavian women who had had breast cancer, half of whom had received HRT.对主要是斯堪的纳维亚患乳腺癌的女性随访4年或更长
The women were part of a trial stopped in 2003 after concerns about the increased risk of breast cancer recurring for women on hormone therapy.这些女性是在2003年停止的一项试验中的一部分人,那项试验因考虑到激素治疗可能增加乳腺癌复发的危险性而停止。

Volunteers who had received HRT got breast cancer again more than twice as often as women in the other group, amounting to an overall increased risk of 14 percent, the researchers said.接受HRT治疗的乳腺癌志愿者再发乳腺癌的频率是其他组的两倍,总的危险性是14%,研究人员说。

"Our results further suggest that hormone therapy not only induces and promotes breast cancer but may also stimulate the growth of tumor microdeposits in breast cancer survivors," they wrote.“我们的结果进一步表明,激素治疗不仅诱导和加速乳腺癌,而且刺激乳腺癌幸存者肿瘤微沉积的增长”,他们写到。

HRT was popular among menopausal women until 2002, when a major study found that it could raise the risk not only of breast and ovarian cancer, but also strokes and other serious conditions. 直到2002,当一项主要研究发现HRT不仅增加乳腺癌和卵巢癌的危险性,而且增加中风和其他严重情况的危险性时,HRT在停经女性中非常普遍。

That study caused millions of women to abandon HRT and hit shares in makers of hormone therapies such as Wyeth.那项研究致使数百万女性放弃HRT,并且使Wyeth这样的激素治疗生产商降低产量。

Doctors have since stressed that younger women who need HRT drugs to relieve serious menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness should still consider taking them because lower-dose formulations are now available and doctors know to prescribe them for short periods of time.医生们从那时强调,需要HRT药物缓解严重绝经症状如潮热、阴道干燥的年轻女性仍然应该服用此类药物,因为低剂量的成分现在能够买到,而且医生们知道可以开药给患者短期应用。

Data on hormone-replacement therapy and breast cancer recurrence have been sparse until now, other researchers said.其他研究人员说,直到目前为止,关于激素替代疗法和乳腺癌复发的资料仍然是缺乏的。

"It seems that harmful side effects of HRT have finally been demonstrated," Kathy Pritchard of the Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre in Toronto, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an editorial in the same journal.“好像HRT有害的副作用最终被揭示了”,多伦多阳光溪奥黛特癌症中心的Kathy Pritchard在同一份杂志的评论中说。Kathy Pritchard没有参与这项研究。

(Reporting by Michael Kahn; Editing by Will Dunham and Alastair Sharp)








作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-27 17:14