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A study by a Columbia University Medical Center researcher shows that 99 percent of participants experienced either a return to menstruation or became pregnant within 90 days after stopping an investigational, low-dose oral contraceptive taken every day without placebo.
Findings from the first large clinical examination were presented this week at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Annual Clinical Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Anne R. Davis, M.D., assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University Medical Center, presented the findings abstract relating to a non-cyclic oral contraceptive, [90 5g levonorgestrel/20 5g ethinyl estradiol tablets], that would be taken every day of the year without a placebo interval. In contrast to a 28-day cyclic regimen, this regimen would be taken every day of the year, without a placebo (or sugar pill) interval, resulting in a temporary interruption of menses.
The follow-up study after a Phase 3, multicenter, open-label study of the safety and contraceptive efficacy of a non-cyclic oral contraceptive investigated return to menstruation after study participants stopped taking the contraceptive. Results showed that 185 of the 187 women in the study experienced either a return to menses or became pregnant within 90 days once they stopped the study drug after taking it for a median of 364 days. Four women became pregnant before returning to menses and two women reported a return to menses more than 90 days after the completion of the study.
"Patients want to know if, after taking an oral contraceptive every day without placebo pills, their menses will return," said Dr. Davis. "By evaluating this, we were able to learn that women who followed this daily regimen experienced a return to menses without a considerable delay."
The most widely used method of contraception in 1995 was oral contraceptives, used by 10.4 million women, according to National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).
http://www.cumc.columbia.edu 我来翻译吧。 译文如下:
来自哥伦比亚大学医疗中心的临床妇产科助理教授,Anne R.戴维斯博士提出研究结果与非周期性服用口服避孕药有关,研究中参加者在一年中每天服用(90 5g左炔诺孕酮/20 5g乙炔雌二醇片剂),没有间隔服用安慰剂。与28 天一周期的服药法相比,这种服药法采取一年中每天服用避孕药而没有安慰剂(或糖药片)的间隔时间,造成了月经的暂时中断。
在一项有关非周期性服用口服避孕药的安全性和避孕有效性的多中心、非盲的3期随访研究中,研究者发现参加者在停止服用避孕药后出现月经的回复。结果显示参与研究的187名妇女中,185名妇女一经停服研究中所用的药物后,在90天内出现月经的回复或怀孕了,研究中她们服用药物的平均时间为364 天。有四名妇女在月经恢复之前怀孕,另两名妇女在研究结束的90天以后恢复月经。
根据美国国家家庭成长调查会(NSFG)的资料,美国1995 年被广泛采用的避孕方法是口服避孕药,全国共有1.04千万名妇女服用避孕药。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-23 17:14