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来自加州大学伯克利分校Helen Wills神经科学研究所等处的研究人员发现了蛋白泛素化途径中的一种关键酶调控的新机制,有助于解释细胞功能蛋白选择性降解。这一研究成果公布在《神经元》(Neuron)杂志上。
泛素连接酶是蛋白泛素化途径中的第三个酶(Ubiquitin E3 ligases),这种酶是一种能够将泛素分子连接到目的蛋白的某个赖氨酸上的酶,这种酶可以将目的蛋白质多泛素化,即加上多个泛素分子,形成多泛素链,具有重要的意义,参与了调控肿瘤发生等方面功能。但是这种酶本身是否被修饰,如果被修饰了,又是如何进行修饰的,对此科学家们并不清楚。
在这篇文章中,研究人员发现经PKA依赖性磷酸化修饰的Smad泛素化调节因子1(Smad ubiquitination regulatory factor 1,Smurfl)能启动泛素连接酶在两种蛋白(轴突发育过程中完全不同的功能)中的选择活性,这对于解释局部细胞功能中蛋白选择性降解具有重要的意义。 Highlights
?PKA-dependent phosphorylation of Smurf1 at Thr306 switches its substrate preference
?Axon-promoting factors elevate Smurf1 phosphorylation at Thr306
?Smurf1 phosphorylation at Thr306 enhanced Par6 stabilization and RhoA degradation
?Selective protein degradation contributes to axon formation.
Ubiquitin E3 ligases serve for ubiquitination of specific substrates, and its ligase efficacy is regulated by interacting proteins or substrate modifications. Whether and how the ligases themselves are modified by cellular signaling is unclear. Here we report that protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation of Smad Ubiquitin Regulatory Factor 1 (Smurf1) can switch its substrate preference between two proteins of opposing actions on axon development. Extracellular factors that promote axon formation elevated Smurf1 phosphorylation at a PKA site Thr306, and preventing this phosphorylation reduced axon formation in cultured hippocampal neurons and impaired polarization of cortical neurons in vivo. Thr306-phosphorylation changed the relative affinities of Smurf1 for its substrates, leading to reduced degradation of polarity protein Par6 and increased degradation of growth-inhibiting RhoA. Thus, PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the E3 ligase could switch its substrate preference, contributing to selective protein degradation required for localized cellular function. http://download.cell.com/neuron/pdf/PIIS089662731001069X.pdf [标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-06 12:31