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Scientists discover toxin that causes gastro disease
10 October 2006

Australian scientists have identified a highly potent toxin that causes severe gastrointestinal illnesses, including food poisoning.

The toxin, produced by certain strains of E. coli bacteria, has been found to be responsible for an outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a dangerous disease that causes acute kidney failure, in South Australia in 1998.

The research team was led by Dr Adrienne Paton from the University of Adelaide, and included scientists from Monash University's ARC Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial Genomics, and the United States.

Dr Travis Beddoe from Monash University's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is one of the investigators who discovered that the bacterial toxin, subtilase cytotoxin, deactivates an essential component of cells in the gastrointestinal tract.

"It is unique because it cuts an essential component of the cell machinery in half, therefore disabling it," he said.

As well as learning how the toxin works, the scientists have also determined its three-dimensional structure, which will aid in the development of treatments for toxin-related diseases.

"This toxin belongs to the family of toxins that cause whooping cough, a very serious bacterial infection that affects children," Dr Beddoe said.

He said the research breakthrough may also provide insights into the development of age-related and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, and may be used in the treatment of some cancers.

The collaborative research was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Australian Research Council. The research findings are published in the latest issue of the journal Nature. 认领了!! 我先来了!不好意思!呵呵!请大家指正:
Scientists discover toxin that causes gastro disease
10 October 2006
Australian scientists have identified a highly potent toxin that causes severe gastrointestinal illnesses, including food poisoning.
The toxin, produced by certain strains of E. coli bacteria, has been found to be responsible for an outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a dangerous disease that causes acute kidney failure, in South Australia in 1998.
The research team was led by Dr Adrienne Paton from the University of Adelaide, and included scientists from Monash University's ARC Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial Genomics, and the United States.
研究小组由澳大利亚Adelaide大学的Adrienne Paton博士领头,组员包括来自Monash大学微生物基因结构及功能ARC研究中心的科学家们,以及来自美国的研究人员。(“生物基因结构”不知道翻译得对不对)
Dr Travis Beddoe from Monash University's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is one of the investigators who discovered that the bacterial toxin, subtilase cytotoxin, deactivates an essential component of cells in the gastrointestinal tract.
Monash大学“生化及分子生物学”系的Travis Beddoe博士发现subtilase细胞毒素能够使胃肠道细胞的一种必需成分灭活。
(译者按:Subtilase细胞毒素是 1998年首次从澳大利亚南部产生志贺毒素的大肠杆菌 (STEC)的一个恶性菌种中分离出来的,此后又在STEC的其他几个菌种中被发现。STEC是一种人类病原体,能引起威胁生命的肠胃病。现在,研究人员已经确定了Subtilase细胞毒素产生极端毒性的机制:它能引起重要内质网伴护分子BiP的单点解理。该发现之所以引人注目,是因为,影响内质网压力响应的伴护功能的缺陷现在被发现与细胞衰老、以及包括白内障、帕金森氏综合症和阿尔茨海默氏综合症等机能退化症状密切相关。该毒素能够快速地、专一地破坏BiP功能,因此它为我们提供了一个细胞生物学新工具,使研究人员能够对这些疾病发病机理中的关键事件进行体外模拟。)
"It is unique because it cuts an essential component of the cell machinery in half, therefore disabling it," he said.
Travis Beddoe博士说:“该毒素的作用机理很特别—它将细胞组织的一种必需成分一切两半,使其丧失正常功能。”
As well as learning how the toxin works, the scientists have also determined its three-dimensional structure, which will aid in the development of treatments for toxin-related diseases.







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-28 17:11