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【Nat Rev Cancer】实体瘤中乏氧,HIF1与葡萄糖代谢
It has been known for many years that cellular metabolism within the solid tumour is markedly different from that of the corresponding normal tissue. The transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) has been implicated in regulating many of the genes that are responsible for the metabolic difference. However, it remains unclear how this 'aerobic glycolysis', originally described by Otto Warburg, offers tumour cells a growth advantage. As discussed in this Perspective, new data suggests that this metabolic switch may provide a benefit to the tumour not by increasing glycolysis but by decreasing mitochondrial activity.
http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v8/n9/abs/nrc2468.html 本人已认领此文,若48小时未提交,请其它战友领取。 本人已认领此文,若48小时未提交,请其它战友领取。 Hypoxia, HIF1 and glucose metabolism in the solid tumour
It has been known for many years that cellular metabolism within the solid tumour is markedly different from that of the corresponding normal tissue.
The transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) has been implicated in regulating many of the genes that are responsible for the metabolic difference.
However, it remains unclear how this 'aerobic glycolysis', originally described by Otto Warburg, offers tumour cells a growth advantage.
但是,由Otto Warburg提出的有氧糖酵解如何给肿瘤带来生长优势的相关问题至今仍是个迷.
As discussed in this Perspective, new data suggests that this metabolic switch may provide a benefit to the tumour not by increasing glycolysis but by decreasing mitochondrial activity.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-09-22 02:38