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Timing Enhances Allergy, Asthma Drugs


For best effects, take allergy drugs at bedtime and asthma drugs in the late afternoon, a National Jewish Medical Center allergist advises.


Timing Enhances Allergy, Asthma Drugs


For Best Effect, Take Allergy, Asthma Medication at Specific Times


April 13, 2007 -- Take your allergy pills before bedtime and your asthma medications in the late afternoon, a prominent allergist suggests.

2007年4月13号 -- 著名的过敏专科医师建议,在就寝前服用过敏药;在傍晚服用气喘药。

Your body behaves differently at different times of the day, notes Richard Martin, MD, head of the pulmonary division at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver.

位于丹佛的国立犹太医学研究中心肺科主任Richard Martin医师指出,你的身体在一天不同时间里行为不同。
These so-called circadian rhythms affect allergy and asthma, too.


Martin says hay fever symptoms -- such as weepy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing -- peak in the morning hours. So taking your 24-hour allergy medications before going to bed means that you'll get the maximum effect when you need it the most.


"Taking your allergy medication at night assures that it will be circulating in your blood stream when you most need it, early the next morning," Martin says in a news release.

Asthma symptoms, Martin says, peak at about 4 a.m. Patients with severe asthma, who need oral steroid drugs, should take this medication in the afternoon at 3 p.m.


People with less severe asthma use steroid inhalers. These drugs have their greatest effect when taken between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., Martin says.


Is This Really Necessary?


Martin's schedule would maximize allergy and asthma drug effects only if people really take their medication every day, says William E. Berger, MBA. Berger is professor of medicine at the University of California, Irvine, and past president of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. He's also the author of Allergies and Asthma for Dummies.

企业管理硕士William E. Berger表示,Martin医师的时间表只有在每天都有吃药的情况下,才能发挥过敏和气喘药物的最大效用;Berger是加州大学尔湾分校的医学系教授,担任过美国过敏、气喘与免疫协院的主席,也是Allergies and Asthma for Dummies的作者。

"It is unrealistic to think that people who have to take preventive medicines on a regular basis, such as inhaled steroids, will take them between 3:00 and 5:30 in the afternoon," Berger tells WebMD. "The vast majority will take them when -- and if -- they remember to take them."


What worries Berger and other allergists is that preventive medicines have to be taken when a patient is feeling fine -- before symptoms occur. And if the medication is working, patients who usually feel great have to remember to take their daily dose.


"It is a great accomplishment to get patients to take medicines when there aren't any symptoms," Berger says. "The concern here is that when you tell busy people to take their medication at an inconvenient time, they might not take the dose at all."


Berger and Martin both stress that consistent use of allergy medications is the key to successful symptom prevention. Both recommend tying taking the drugs to other things done every day at the same time.







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-20 18:24