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On a sadder note for the University of Florida, J. Robert Cade, the UF researcher who invented the sports drink Gatorade and launched a

multibillion-dollar industry that helped turn the school into a tech transfer powerhouse, died last week of kidney failure. He was 80. Cade and

his colleagues created the sports drink in 1965 to help the school's football players replace carbohydrates and electrolytes lost through sweat

while playing in swamp-like heat.

J. Robert Cade是美国佛罗里达大学的一名肾脏病教授,当他还是年轻的助理教授使,他已功名成就,是他发明了佳得乐Gatorade运动型饮料,他与他的同事在1965年研制成了这种全球畅销的运动型饮料,用于为该校美式足球队员补充因为大运动量出汗而流失的碳水化合物和电解质等物质。

2005年,Gator在接受记者采访使说:他研制该运动型饮料纯属偶然,创意来自该校足球队教练Dwayne Douglas的困惑和疑问,为什么运动员比赛后显得如此憔悴乏力。和他的同事经过一番调查研究发现,运动员们每场运动比赛平均要减重18磅,其中大部分是因为水分流失。导致钠,氯和其他电解质血浆体积减少和流失,血液容量也减少。

His death prompted reminiscences of what has become a legend in tech transfer circles. Now sold in 80 countries in dozens of flavors, Gatorade

was born thanks to a question from former Gators Coach Dwayne Douglas, Cade said in a 2005 interview. He asked, "Doctor, why don't football

players wee-wee after a game?" The question "changed our lives," Cade said. He and his research team went on to find that a football player

could lose as much as 18 pounds -- most of it water -- during a game, and that they sweated away sodium and chloride and lost plasma volume and blood volume.

通过他们的研究和大约40美元的原料,他们研制出第一批运动型饮料,给这些运动员比赛和练习时试用。第一批试样饮品并不马上受到欢迎,因为样品的的味道有点像卫生间用的清洁剂,并不讨人喜欢。当初参与研究的人员 Dana Shires说,她当时喝了一口,就吐了,后来研究人员在饮料中加了糖和柠檬汁,改变饮料的口味。然后教练先让大一学生先试喝,因为他不想让全队倒胃口。幸运的是,改良后的口味还不错,运动员都喜欢喝。从此
这种新式运动型饮料风靡整个Gators球队。球队的战绩也越战越勇,节节获胜,饮料成了球队获胜的秘密武器。因为喝饮料的运动员明显有更好的体力和耐力。当佛罗里达大学的Gators 在1967年 以27比12打败Georgia Tech 获得全美冠军后,屈居亚军的球队乔治亚理工大学的教练Bobby Dodd抱怨说,他们输在运动员无法得到Gatorade饮料来补充能量。 百事可乐公司PepsiCo于1973年买下了该饮料的全球专卖权,至今已向佛罗里达大学支付了1.5亿美元的销售提成。


Using their research, and about $43 in supplies, they concocted a brew for players to drink while playing football. The first batch was not

exactly a hit. "It sort of tasted like toilet bowl cleaner," said Dana Shires, one of the researchers. "I guzzled it and I vomited," Cade said.

The researchers added some sugar and some lemon juice to improve the taste. It was first tested on freshmen because Coach Ray Graves didn't

want to hurt the varsity team.

Eventually, however, the use of the sports beverage spread to the Gators, who enjoyed a winning record and were known as a "second-half team"

by outlasting opponents. After the Gators beat Georgia Tech 27-12 in the Orange Bowl in 1967, Tech coach Bobby Dodd told reporters his team

lost because "we didn't have Gatorade." PepsiCo Inc. now owns the brand, which has brought the university more than $150 million in royalties

since 1973. Cade said he thought the use of Gatorade would be limited to sports teams and never dreamed it would be purchased by regular

consumers. "I never thought about the commercial market," he said. "The financial success of this stuff really surprised us."

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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-21 17:11