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FEMA-师生地震安全指南 全文译文整理+1校稿已出
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1. 从43页开始的参考文献,不用翻译。
1. 认领时请注明起始部分内容,如从首页到第*页*句,最好按每个Part来认领。
2. 以段为单元进行中英文对照翻译。
3. 不确定的地方用不同颜色标识出来。 有没有好心人哪? 征集翻译。。。 先报个名~还是先认领Introduction 周日6月15日晚9:00前完成
全文大概一共一万来字, Introduction,另四个Part,后面有参考文献及配有插图的练习。
各部分均有文字版附件 不过还是推荐先看PDF,格式上比word文档清楚
第一部分 地震时会发生什么?
活动1 评估你的风险
活动2 一分钟的震动
活动3 练习:怎么办?
活动4 唱出来!
活动5 地震—不要犹豫!
第二部分 发现潜在的危险
活动 1 教室里的危险
活动 2 家中的危险
第三部分 准备与分享
活动 1 集思广益(头脑风暴)
活动 2 建立应急包
活动 3 海报派对
第四部分 地震模拟与撤离训练
活动 1 准备好
活动 2 综合演练
A 地震风险分布图
B 地震模拟脚本
C 蹲下,找掩护,原地等待
D 摇啊~摇啊~摇!
E 来自加州Coalinga学校的报告
F 地震感受
G 四年级教室
H 寻找教室里的危险
I a,b,c 家庭中的危险
J 核对表:防震家居
K 寻找住宅周边的危险
L 购物安全守则
M 训练与撤离
N 核对表:家庭防震安全
introduction.doc (39.5k) PART 1 2253words
What Happens During an Earthquake?
Content Concepts 1. Earthquake shaking is possible almost everywhere in the United States.2. Students can learn how to protect their heads and bodies during a simulated earthquake.
Students willn Identify which parts of the United States are most at risk from earthquake damage.n Demonstrate how long an average earthquake lasts.n Demonstrate safe behavior during an earthquake simulation.
Answer any further questions they have about the experience of an earthquake. For grades K-4, you may want to finish by singing “Shimmy-Shimmy-Shake.” (See Activity)
PART 1.doc (43.0k) PART 2 1495 words
Hunt for Hazards
Content Concepts 1. Every environment contains potential earthquake hazards.2. Students can identify hazards and eliminate them or reduce their impact.
Objectives: Students willn Identify potential hazards in their classroom that may cause damage, injury, or death during an earthquake.n List, and if possible, make changes in their classroom to reduce potential hazards.n Identify potential earthquake hazards in their homes.n List, and if possible, make changes in their homes to reduce potential hazards.
Share answers. This could be either a class activity or homework.3. Distribute copies of Master L, Safety Rules for Shoppers. Discuss the rules in class, then ask students to take the page home and share it with their families.
PART 2.doc (33.5k) PART3 1328 words
Prepare and Share
Content Concepts 1. Students can increase their chances for safety and survival in an earthquake by having essential supplies assembled before they need them.2. Students can help to assemble emergency kits of supplies for their classroom, home, and family vehicle.3. Students can help to inform others about earthquake safety and survival.
Learning Links
Language Arts: Reaching consensus in a group, copying lists of kit materials, writing preparedness slogans
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-06-22 17:21