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New Molecular Pathway Shown In Bone Healing That Could Be Enhanced By Lithium Treatment
New Molecular Pathway Shown In Bone Healing That Could Be Enhanced By Lithium Treatment
Researchers have described a novel molecular pathway that may have a critical role in bone healing and have suggested that lithium, which affects this pathway, has the potential to improve fracture healing. The study, led by Benjamin Alman from the Hospital For Sick Children, Toronto, investigated the role of the β-catenin signaling pathway, which activates T cell factor -dependent gene transcription, and which is known to have a key regulatory role in embryonic skeletal development.
By studying mice with fractures the researchers were able to show that β-catenin-mediated gene transcription was activated in both bone and cartilage formation during fracture repair. In mice that lacked β-catenin fracture healing was inhibited, whereas in mice expressing an activated form of β-catenin bone healing was accelerated. Treating mice with Lithium activated β-catenin in the healing fracture, but healing was enhanced only when treatment was given after the fracture occurred, rather than before.
These results show that that β-catenin functions differently at different stages of fracture repair. Although the relevance of this study to human fractures remains to be determined, activation of β-catenin by lithium treatment has the potential to improve fracture healing, but probably only when given in later phases of fracture healing. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/77939.php
New Molecular Pathway Shown In Bone Healing That Could Be Enhanced By Lithium Treatment
Researchers have described a novel molecular pathway that may have a critical role in bone healing and have suggested that lithium, which affects this pathway, has the potential to improve fracture healing. The study, led by Benjamin Alman from the Hospital For Sick Children, Toronto, investigated the role of the β-catenin signaling pathway, which activates T cell factor -dependent gene transcription, and which is known to have a key regulatory role in embryonic skeletal development.
研究者们阐述了一种可能在骨骼愈合中起关键作用的新的分子通路,而对这条通路有影响作用的锂有可能会促进骨折的愈合。这项由来自多伦多儿童医院(Hospital For Sick Children?)的Benjamin Alman领导的研究调查了β连环蛋白信号通路的作用,这条通路能激活T细胞因子依赖的基因转录,并且被发现在胚胎骨骼发育中起关键作用。
By studying mice with fractures the researchers were able to show that β-catenin-mediated gene transcription was activated in both bone and cartilage formation during fracture repair. In mice that lacked β-catenin fracture healing was inhibited, whereas in mice expressing an activated form of β-catenin bone healing was accelerated. Treating mice with Lithium activated β-catenin in the healing fracture, but healing was enhanced only when treatment was given after the fracture occurred, rather than before.
These results show that that β-catenin functions differently at different stages of fracture repair. Although the relevance of this study to human fractures remains to be determined, activation of β-catenin by lithium treatment has the potential to improve fracture healing, but probably only when given in later phases of fracture healing.
7月31日发表在《Medical News》上的报道声称,来自多伦多大学的研究者们阐述了一种可能在骨骼愈合中起关键作用的新的分子通路,而锂通过影响这条通路有可能会促进骨折的愈合。
这项由来自多伦多儿童医院(Hospital For Sick Children?)的Benjamin Alman领导的研究调查了β连环蛋白信号通路的作用,这条通路能激活T细胞因子依赖的基因转录,并且被发现在胚胎骨骼发育中起关键作用。通过研究骨折小鼠,研究小组发现在骨折修复过程中,硬骨和软骨中由β连环蛋白介导的基因转录都是激活的。缺乏β连环蛋白的小鼠其骨折愈合是迟缓的,而β连环蛋白表达活跃的小鼠的骨折愈合是加快的。以锂来治疗这些小鼠能够促进愈合骨的β连环蛋白活化,但是只有在骨折后开始治疗才能促进愈合,骨折之前给药是无效的。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-11 17:12