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Plant microbiota (the microorganisms that live in any associations with plant tissues) represents a rather unexplored area of metagenomic research compared with soils and oceans. Constructing a metagenomic library for plant microbiota is technically challenging. Using all the biomass without pre-enrichment could lead to vast proportions of the host plant DNA in the metagenomic library, doubtless obliterating the microbial contribution. Therefore, the first and essential step is to enrich for the constituent microorganisms from plant tissues. Here, a strong enrichment for plant microbiota was achieved by coupling SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) with NaCl, creating a predominantly microbial metagenomic library that contains 88% bacterial inserts. 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed that the metagenomic DNA of enrichments originates from very diverse microorganisms. At least 74 distinct ribotypes (at a 97% threshold) from seven different bacterial phyla were identified and mainly distributed among Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. Additionally, a simplified version of Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) was developed for a quick and efficient assessment of the enriching procedures. This work opens further insight into the great biotechnical potential of plant microbiota, holding more potential for drug discovery through a metagenomic strategy, and paving the way for recovery and biochemical characterization of functional gene repertoire from plant microbiota.
与宿主植物相比,共生菌的基因组和生物量非常微小。因此,构建植物共生菌宏基因组文库必须首先突破共生菌富集的技术瓶颈,专家们经过努力,在植物共生菌的富集方法上取得突破和创新,相关技术已申请发明专利并公开;同时依托共生菌富集方法的独特创新,构建了国际上首例植物共生菌宏基因组文库,相关研究成果陆续发表在微生物学重要学术期刊《应用微生物学杂志》(Journal of Applied Microbiology)和《环境微生物学》(Environmental Microbiology)上。构建的滑桃树共生菌宏基因组文库极具开发潜力,不仅库容量大(1.37×106个克隆,相当于5000个链霉菌基因组拷贝),而且蕴含丰富的微生物种类多样性,文库的基因组来源涵盖七个门类两百种以上的微生物,其中以放线菌和变形菌的种类最为丰富,而且有相当一部分属于未可培养微生物或新种来源。与此同时,还发现了一个与美登素类化合物(maytansinoids)合成有关的基因簇,目前正在用KS、AHBA以及相关基因对文库进行高通量筛选,充分挖掘宏基因组文库的基因资源。
(《环境微生物学》(Environmental Microbiology),DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01689.x,Hao-Xin Wang,Yue-Mao Shen)
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-15 05:11