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生物通报道:来自瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院(Karolinska Institutet),日本名城大学(Meijo University)的研究人员通过分析卵细胞蛋白膜,发现了卵细胞与精子直接接触部位的结构,这为解析生育的奥秘,以及理解不孕不育的原因,提供了重要的理论基础,也有助于设计非激素类的避孕药。这一研究成果公布在Cell杂志上。
在这篇文章中,研究人员利用欧洲同步辐射装置(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF)收集的数据,解析了受精过程中,卵子与精子相互作用的机制。
研究人员***了完整受卵体(egg receptor,同雌雄同体动物的受卵器)的三维结构,绘制出了卵细胞与精子结合的受体分子——ZP3的三维结构,从而了解了这一基本生物学过程的相关机制。
Insights into Egg Coat Assembly and Egg-Sperm Interaction from the X-Ray Structure of Full-Length ZP3
The structure of sperm receptor ZP3 reveals a homodimer essential for secretion
A core β strand propeptide blocks premature assembly by intercalating between domains
Disulfide clustering suggests how the specificity of egg coat assembly is regulated
An O-linked glycan conserved from chicken to human is important for sperm binding
ZP3, a major component of the zona pellucida (ZP) matrix coating mammalian eggs, is essential for fertilization by acting as sperm receptor. By retaining a propeptide that contains a polymerization-blocking external hydrophobic patch (EHP), we determined the crystal structure of an avian homolog of ZP3 at 2.0 Å resolution. The structure unveils the fold of a complete ZP domain module in a homodimeric arrangement required for secretion and reveals how EHP prevents premature incorporation of ZP3 into the ZP. This suggests mechanisms underlying polymerization and how local structural differences, reflected by alternative disulfide patterns, control the specificity of ZP subunit interaction. Close relative positioning of a conserved O-glycan important for sperm binding and the hypervariable, positively selected C-terminal region of ZP3 suggests a concerted role in the regulation of species-restricted gamete recognition. Alternative conformations of the area around the O-glycan indicate how sperm binding could trigger downstream events via intramolecular signaling.
(http://www.ebiotrade.com/) 卵细胞减数分裂的新机制
摘要: 美国加利福尼亚大学、圣地亚哥医学院和Ludwig癌症研究所的研究者发现了有性生殖生物细胞减数分裂生成生殖细胞的一种新的特殊机制。研究者通过这个特殊机制解释了卵细胞染色体分离时发生染色体分配错误导致唐氏综合征的原因。这一发现在《Nature Cell Biology.》上发表。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-13 23:36