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全文链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WSN-4V46YNT-J&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F12%2F2008&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=232682f146bbd5be5e68ad69d9b89ab7 Summary
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common form of sustained clinical arrhythmia. We previously mapped an AF locus to chromosome 5p13 in an AF family with sudden death in early childhood. Here we show that the specific AF gene underlying this linkage is NUP155, which encodes a member of the nucleoporins, the components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). We have identified a homozygous mutation, R391H, in NUP155 that cosegregates with AF, affects nuclear localization of NUP155, and reduces nuclear envelope permeability. Homozygous NUP155−/− knockout mice die before E8.5, but heterozygous NUP155+/− mice show the AF phenotype. The R391H mutation and reduction of NUP155 are associated with inhibition of both export of Hsp70 mRNA and nuclear import of Hsp70 protein. These human and mouse studies indicate that loss of NUP155 function causes AF by altering mRNA and protein transport and link the NPC to cardiovascular disease.


Article Outline

Genetic Linkage of Autosomal Recessive AF to Chromosome 5p13 in the Expanded arAF1 Family and Fine Mapping
A Missense Mutation in NUP155 Cosegregates with AF in the arAF1 Family
Mutation R391H Affects Nuclear Envelope Localization of NUP155 Protein and Nuclear Envelope Permeability
Heterozygous NUP155+/− Knockout Mice Are Associated with AF
Mutant NUP155 Reduces Atrial Action Potential Duration and Inhibits Export of Hsp70 mRNA and Nuclear Import of Hsp70 Protein
Experimental Procedures
Study Subjects and Linkage Analysis
Mutational Analysis
Cell Culture and Immunostaining
Quantitative RT-PCR Analysis
Western Blot Analysis
Generation of NUP155 Knockout Mice
Isolation of Mouse Atrial Myocytes, Measurements of Action Potential Duration, and Immunocytochemistry
Mouse ECG Recordings
Nuclear Envelope Permeability Assays
Assays for Export of Hsp70 mRNA and Nuclear Import of Hsp70 Protein
Statistical Analysis
Supplemental Data

Figure 1. Genotyping and Linkage Analysis of an AF Family, arAF1

(A) Genotyping results are shown for an affected member (boxed VI:3), a newly born male in the arAF1 family, together with the results for other family members reported previously (Oberti et al., 2004). The new affected male patient, VI:3, was genotyped with five linked markers at the arAF1 locus, including D5S493, D5S426, D5S455, D5S1998, and D5S1964. Affected individuals are shown as filled squares (males) and circles (females); normal individuals are indicated by empty symbols; obligate heterozygous carriers are shown with dots in symbols; deceased family members are shown with slashes (/); the proband is indicated by an arrow.



作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-24 13:59