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Polycystic ovarian syndrome 多囊卵巢综合症
published: Monday | January 8, 2007 发表:星期一 2007年1月8日
Yahneake Sterling, Staff Reporter
Have you ever heard someone refer to a woman who hasn't had a child as a 'mule?'
It could be that a woman chooses not to have a child, but some women, by nature, have no choice, or so we think.
The term 'mule' is not an uncommon thing in our country, but while the miracle of conception and childbirth comes easy for some women, for others, achieving this defining moment of womanhood is next to impossible.
Females who are plagued with irregular or no menstrual cycles or who have problems becoming pregnant may have what is known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels, and appearance.
The change in appearance may be due to high levels of male hormones called androgens.
Dreams of Motherhood
Twenty-two-year-old Lisa Williams'dreams of becoming a mother will have to be overseen by medical professionals, as PCOS has made it impossible for her to conceive naturally.
22岁的Lisa Williams希望做妈妈,将必须在医学专业人士的监护下,因为PCOS让她不可能自然受孕。
Diagnosed with the syndrome four years ago, Lisa explained that severe pain in her lower abdomen, several months of missed periods, cramps in her legs, weight gain in her abdomen, excessive hair growth and mood swings were the symptoms she experienced that finally drove her to the doctor after suffering through her early teens.
"My period was so irregular that sometimes for periods of up to six months I wouldn't have one. When it came, I bled heavily, I even bled for four consecutive weeks, that was when I sought help," she told Flair.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-12 23:54