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Chicken Soup May Help Fight High Blood Pressure

Chicken soup, that popular home remedy for the common cold sometimes known as "Grandma's Penicillin," may have a new role alongside medication and other medical measures in fighting high blood pressure, scientists in Japan are reporting.
Ai Saiga and colleagues cite previous studies indicating that chicken breast contains collagen proteins with effects similar to ACE inhibitors, mainstay medications for treating high blood pressure.
But chicken breast contains such small amounts of the proteins that it could not be used to develop food and medical products for high blood pressure. Chicken legs and feet, often discarded as waste products in the U.S. but key soup ingredients elsewhere, appear to be a better source.
In the new study, Saiga and colleagues extracted collagen from chicken legs and tested its ability to act as an ACE inhibitor in the laboratory studies. They identified four different proteins in the collagen mixture with high ACE-inhibitory activity. Given to rats used to model human high blood pressure, the proteins produced a significant and prolonged decrease in blood pressure, the researchers say.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/10/081013110117.htm 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Chicken Soup May Help Fight High Blood Pressure

Chicken soup, that popular home remedy for the common cold sometimes known as "Grandma's Penicillin," may have a new role alongside medication and other medical measures 有意思 have a new role 翻译成有新的作用是否好些? 多谢拉 考虑可以
真的很有意思 以后多喝鸡汤了!!! 要喝多少才有用呢? 在美国鸡腿和鸡爪经常作为废料不被食用! 那是不是要多吃鸡呢?呵呵。 怪不得,中国人都喜欢在生病的时候喝老母鸡汤呢,真是挺搞笑的,咱们自己已经用了几千年的食物,都没有人去研究,也没有人主动想去研究,每次都是日本人或者是美国人的先发现问题,研究我们“弃之如败履”的古董,不知道是谁的不幸呢?国内西医的学者们拒绝研究中医,排斥、反对、甚至是要废除中医,这是中医真的没有存在的必要吗?还是胸襟和眼光的问题呢?现在的趋势就更加的坏了,中医的学者们也自己没有信心了,甚至是尽量的选择西医治疗来显示自己的水平,这样我们祖宗留下来的东西只好让别人来研究了。有点悲哀呀,为什么不能中西医不能共同合作,共同进步呢? may?
就是好值得考量。。。。 研究了也没用,中国还不是每个人想喝就有鸡汤的,毕竟还在社会主义初级阶段 这只是项研究结果,不能代表一切,认为鸡汤是以偏概全根本没考虑其它因素.如果真的有人以次为依据天天喝不用问没两年就进医院了. 那吃鸡肉也应该有效吧! 我也看过吃鸡爪可以降压的报道。 我觉得没什么意义。

要是说collagen proteins能降压那啃猪蹄之类含量更多,那肯定更能降压……

然而鸡汤里还有鸡皮中的大量皮下脂肪,这么多的饱和脂肪摄入肯定不利于降血压。 four different proteins in the collagen mixture with high ACE-inhibitory activity,胶原混合物肯定还含有其他成份,是其他成份在发挥功效,胶原是蛋白质,喝下去都给消化成氨基酸了。





作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-10 05:11