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Longer sleep duration associated with lower incidence of calcification in coronary arteries
CHICAGO – Participants in a study who slept on average an hour longer per night than other participants had an associated lower incidence of coronary artery calcification, which is thought to be a predictor of future heart disease, according to a study in the December 24/31 issue of JAMA.

Risk factors for coronary artery calcification (the accumulation of calcified plaques visible by computed tomography [a method of imaging body organs]) include established heart disease risk factors such as male sex, older age, glucose intolerance, tobacco use, dyslipidemia (disorders of lipoprotein metabolism, which includes high cholesterol levels), high blood pressure, obesity, raised inflammatory markers and attaining a low educational level. Recent data suggest that sleep quantity and quality are connected to several of these risk factors.

Christopher Ryan King, B.S., of the University of Chicago, and colleagues tested whether objectively measured sleep duration predicted the development of calcification over 5 years of follow-up. The study included 495 participants from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults [CARDIA] study, who were black and white men and women age 35-47 years. At the start of the study in 2000-2001, the participants had no evidence of detectable coronary calcification on computed tomography scans.

Sleep metrics (wrist actigraphy [monitors rest and activity] measured sleep duration and sleep fragmentation, daytime sleepiness, overall sleep quality, self-reported sleep duration) were examined for association with new calcification, based on computed tomography performed in 2005-2006.

The incidence of calcification at 5 years was 12.3 percent (n = 61 participants). After adjusting for age, sex, race, education, smoking and apnea risk, the researchers found that one hour more of sleep per night decreased the estimated odds of calcification by 33 percent. The magnitude of the observed association was similar to sizable differences in established coronary risk factors (e.g., 1 additional hour of sleep reduced risk similarly to a reduction of 16.5 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure). No potential mediators appreciably altered the magnitude or significance of sleep. Alternative sleep metrics were not significantly associated with calcification.

“We have found a robust and novel association between objectively measured sleep duration and 5-year incidence of coronary artery calcification,” the authors write. “This study further demonstrates the utility of a simple objective measure of sleep that can be used at home. Future studies will be needed for crucial extensions to these results.”

(JAMA. 2008;300[24]:2859-2866)

芝加哥 -- 据12月24/31日刊JAMA上的一则研究披露,在研究的参与者中,那些每晚平均睡眠时间长1小时的人,其冠状动脉钙化发生率比平均睡眠时间短的人要低。而冠状动脉钙化是未来发生心脏病的一个预测指针。

冠状动脉钙化(即在电脑X线断层摄影术 [ 一种身体器官的成像方法 ] 上所见的钙化斑块的聚集)的风险因子包括:已确定的心脏病风险因子,如男性、较年长的年龄、葡萄糖耐受不良、烟草的使用、血脂异常(脂蛋白代谢性疾病,其中包括高胆固醇血症)、高血压、肥胖症、炎症标志物增加以及教育水平低下等。最近的数据提示,睡眠的量与质与数个这类风险因子有关联。

University of Chicago的Christopher Ryan King, B.S.及其同僚开展了一项测试,旨在观察在一段为期5年的随访中,客观测得的睡眠时间是否可以预测冠状动脉钙化的发生情况。该项研究中包括来自Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults [CARDIA] 研究的495名参与者,他们是年龄在35-47岁之间的男、女性的黑人与白人。在本研究于2000-2001年期间开始的时候,在这些参与者中,电脑X线断层扫描没有发现他们有可探测得到的冠状动脉的钙化现象。

研究人员用睡眠测度法(如腕动计 [ 用来监测静止与活动状态 ] )来检测睡眠的持续时间及睡眠的断续情况、白天瞌睡情况、总体睡眠质量、自我报告的睡眠持续时间与新发冠状动脉钙化之间的关联性。该研究是基于在2005-2006年期间所作的电脑X线断层扫描术的结果。

在第5年的时候,这些参与者的冠状动脉钙化发生率为12.3% (为 61名参与者)。在对这些人的年龄、性别、族裔、教育水平、吸烟与否及呼吸暂停风险进行校正之后,研究人员发现,每晚多睡一个小时可以使估测的冠状动脉发生钙化的几率降低33%。研究人员所观察到的这一相关性的大小与已确认的冠心病风险因子(如:多睡一小时所减少的风险与收缩压降低16.5 mm Hg相似)中存在的相当大的差别相类似。没有哪些可能的介质可以略微改变睡眠所带来的影响的大小或其显著性。替代性睡眠测度法则与冠状动脉的钙化之间没有显著的关联。







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-23 17:11