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Cross-Species Strategy Might Be a Powerful Tool for Studying Human Disease
ScienceDaily (Feb. 4, 2011) — A new study takes advantage of genetic similarities between mammals and fruit flies by coupling a complex genetic screening technique in humans with functional validation of the results in flies. The new strategy, published by Cell Press on February 3rd in The American Journal of Human Genetics, has the potential to be an effective approach for unraveling genetically complex human disorders and providing valuable insights into human disease.
Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) involve sifting through the complete set of DNA from many individuals to identify genetic variations associated with a particular disease. Although this technique has proven to be a powerful tool for developing a better understanding of diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), that involve multiple genetic variations, there are substantial limitations. Perhaps most significantly, follow-up studies aimed at validating disease-associated genetic variations in humans require large sample sizes and a great deal of effort. The current study validates GWAS results by using an inventive alternative approach.
"Simple genetic models of human disease, such as in the fruit fly, have been important experimental tools for many years, particularly for large-scale functional testing of genes," explains a senior study author, Mel B. Feany, MD, PhD, from Brigham and Women's Hospital.. "We therefore hypothesized that the fly disease model might fulfill the growing need for efficient strategies for validation of association signals identified by GWAS."
Dr. Joshua M. Shulman and colleagues implemented a two-stage strategy to enhance a GWAS of AD neuropathology by integrating the results of gene discovery in humans with functional screening in a fly model system relevant to AD biology. Specifically, the researchers evaluated 19 genes from 15 distinct genomic regions identified in a human GWAS designed to identify genes that influence AD pathology. In six out of these 15 genomic regions, a causal gene was subsequently identified in the fly disease model on the basis of interactions with the neurotoxicity of Tau protein, a well-known constituent of AD pathology.
The authors also discuss the potential for application of their technique to studies examining other human diseases. "Evidence is emerging in support of a polygenic model of inheritance for complex genetic disorders, particularly neuropsychiatric diseases, in which hundreds or even thousands of common gene variants collectively contribute to disease risk," says co-author Philip L. De Jager, MD, PhD, also of Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Our strategy of coupling human GWAS with functional genetic screening in a model organism will likely be a powerful strategy for follow-up of such signals in the future in order to prioritize genes and pathways for further investigation." 生命科学研究快报文件类型:DOC/Microsoft Word- 文字版生命科学研究快报 2005年第1期(总第64期) (仅供内部参考) 目录 【科技发展动态:科技... 并对苏格兰和全球人类带来长久影响.”阿伯丁大学的Blair Smith博士说:“对现代医学...www.library.sh.cn/...05/64.doc-2010-11-22-生命科学研究快报" 国内大学及研究机构的特色硕士专业 | 考研经验 - 免费考研论坛 ...(人类起源中美联合实验室、复旦-交大-诺丁汉植物生物技术中心、复旦-曼切斯特大学生物... 达国际先进水平;青光眼和视网膜玻璃体疾病的诊治居国内先进行列. 眼科中心科学研究...bbs.freekaoyan.com/...960.html-2006-05-17-快照-研究机构的特色硕士专业 | 考研经验 - 免费考研论坛 ..." 中国计量院计量科学咨询委员会成立文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版生命现象,应用于生物检测、良种培育、新药发现、疾病防治等领域,提升全民健康水平. ... 美国科学家马丁·沙尔菲和美籍华裔科学家钱永健本月因为在水母中发现和 研究绿色荧...lib.cjlu.edu.cn/...JCK0804.pdf-2011-01-14-科学咨询委员会成立"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-06 00:56